
Christian/Religion Studies

This is a collection of studies for the public to use to help them understand the various religions of the world and their beliefs.

The Holy Door:

(Porta Sancta)
This is the Holy door of St. Peter's Basilica, Rome. The doors are sealed so that they cannot be used, this means that they cannot be opened except during the Holy Year.

The doors are opened during the Holy Year (Jubilee), which occurs every 25 years.
The last one was in the year 2000. Pilgrims enter through those doors to gain the plenary indulgence connected with the Jubilee.

On the first day of the Holy Year the Pope knocks on the door with a special silver hammer and the door is opened. Obviously this is a special occasion for those who are Catholic in faith and possibly others. One write-up I read stated:

The Holy Door represents Christ, the Saviour, Shepherd and Teacher. He said of himself, "I am the door: by me if any man enters in he shall be saved." (John, 10:9).

 Look for the good in everyone, look hard and you will know it, look harder and you will find a bit of
God trying to burst through to change this persons life - help God and watch a miracle appear.
- J Biggs.
