The Bible is a collection of Holy Scriptures which are the religious
texts of Judaism and Christianity.
These scriptures are held as the truth of life to Christians and are believed to be Holy and from God. The Bible is said to be authoritative. The Bible has many lessons, songs, stories, histories, corrections, letters and more. Considered "The Word of God", "the Holy Scriptures," "the Inspired Word" etc. 2 Timothy chapter 3, verse 16
This book starts with Creation of all the universe, then goes on to
the creations of all things on Earth. The Bible is in two collections,
the Old Testament (OT) and the New Testament
The New Testament could be called the Gospel. There are four Cannon
(accepted) Gospels which are Matthew, Mark, Luke and John.
Matthew was the son of Alpheus and a
Working out the Cannon of the Bible took some time and has a colourful
history on its own. The likes of Irenaeus and Origen were using collections
of scriptures that closely
It is important for Christians to know (and believe) that the Canon holds the true text that came from the Apostles that Jesus taught. And for some time, with so many Epistles and Gospels available it was hard to define what was acceptable to go into the Canon. Of course there were those who wanted certain books to be accepted due to what it was that they believed in. Today many books are called Bibles. Such as the Carpenters Bible, ot
the Electricians Bible. These are collections of information said to be
what the person who is an electrician