The greatest illusion is the hunt for the perfect life,
the perfect body,
the perfect love,
the perfect marriage,
the perfect sex life,
the perfect job,
the perfect income,
the perfect weight,
the perfect existence,
when the human being is in a constantly changing imperfect world.
And yet the whole beauty of life is that life is not in perfection, it is the random changing of this planet and people and events etc that make life so interesting and wonderful.
The planet is alive and changing all the time. The weather is always changing. people’s ideas, imaginations, thoughts, and what they do are always changing. You cannot ever achieve perfection in a state that never stops moving. Things happen, ups and downs. This needs to be accepted, it is called maturity and understanding of what human life is really all about and what our part in the world is, and in our own community.
The only thing gained from chasing perfection is stress from chasing something that really does not exist, and therefor it can never be obtained, it can never be achieved, and it can never be ours.
The sooner we accept that life will never be perfectly perfect, but that it will be amazing, random, fun, joyful, challenging, have ups and downs, be an adventurous journey then we can see that what we want is not perfection, what we want is communities of decent moral love, compassion, and people that understand that they are not perfect, that others are not perfect and they don’t judge people for being imperfect.
Add to this people who have love, compassion and decency, and you have good strong relationships and communities founded on the strong worthy foundations of love, faith, hope, and care.
Foolish worlds come from impossible foolish thinking.
Good worlds come from good decent worthy people.
God is trying to free us from the trap of an addiction to chasing what we can never have, and that is perfection. he wants us to accept the wonderful planet, wonderful people, to reach out with love, charity and genuine compassion, and to make the world a better place for others because we understand their lot in life, because of the life that we have lived.
If we all look out for one another then others will look out for us. What goes around, comes around. What we dish out, we receive.
This is definitely worth thinking about.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
21st of November, 2015.