A tired mind can lead to many problems:
It is well known that a good nights sleep means a restful soul the next day.
A good nights sleep is also good for a persons health.
A read a study that said that only 13 percent of adults get a good nights sleep. That is not good for the many who don’t, and many fall asleep or nod off to sleep at their work desk or work place.
Late night worries can keep us up like money worries, stress, fears, and thinking of things that we have to do etc.
An organized life helps in these situations as well. We must be more at peasce with ourselves by looking after ourself and our health.
We live in a society that claims that we must get “our time” and to “get away from it all” and often for many that is out to party. Late nights with friends and family watching late night movies, or even getting on drugs and alcohol etc and calling it a good time. The next day could be headaches, vomiting and diarrhea for many, and for some they cannot even remember what happened while out drinking with the crowd.
One of the reason’s that parties with alcohol and drug abuse is called “The Devils Playground” is because it causes so much strife, marriage breakups, affairs, fighting, arguing etc. Tiredness has a lot to do with this as well as people not being of their right minds.
An organized life means a rested life.
All you need is two people who were tired from the night before to have an explosive situation that can cause a big argument.
One simple mishap during the day happens and one snaps at the other, pride and anger mixed with tiredness and then a fight erupts and much regret comes afterwards. Two people that can normally be deeply in love with one another can become angry at the slightest mistake because they are mentally on edge due to being so tired.
Parents can be snappy with their children because they are overworked or tired.
And this can cause a chain of unhappy events as the children get angry at each other. If the parents partied all night then it is more than likely the children were tired and didn’t get much sleep so an argument can erupt with them and the tired parents step in to “sort it all out” and punishments are dished out – regrets are made from such situations, and children can carry life long resentments towards their parents and later on the parents wonder why their children will not listen to them or respect them.
A normal kind hearted housewife can become a snappy angry person who is uptight and set off at the slightest thing if she is tired. Her work can seem disappointing and she becomes restless and unhappy with her lot.
For some staying up late becomes a habit and then it seems to be normal and they wonder, “Why is my life so miserable? Why am I so unhappy with myself? How come I can never feel rested?” etc.
One of the greatest tests for us parents is a child that is ill and we have to stay up and look after that child. From that tiredness we can become snappy at our family the nest day.
It is said that cleanliness is next to godliness, and so from that we can gather that an organized life can be closer to peacefulness and happiness. In many ways we have great control over our own happiness and we can make a big difference to the peacefulness in our lives by looking out of the square, and becoming more organized and getting that needed rest and sleep.
Advice: Set an alarm for a time like 10:30 pm at night and go to bed when the alarm goes off. This will make it a habit if we stick to it.
We can look at our life right now and choose a more peaceful life and this will bring us more happiness, a happier family life and good health.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
First posted – 31st August, 2013.