Adversity Strikes.

At times life just gets tough and adversity gets the better of us.

One day we have everything we ever wanted, and the very next day it has all been taken away.
These are moments when we are suddenly forced to begin anew, whether we’re mentally prepared for it or not.

For instance, an epic mistake, a disastrous failure, a humiliating rejection,
an unexpected tragedy or loss of something can immediately transform the dynamics of your life,
or more specifically how you live your life.

Whether you have faced a scenario such as this before or are still yet to face one,
the chances are that sooner or later you will find yourself in a situation where everything you have worked for suddenly falls apart and you are forced to start over again.

Whatever life you had lived before is no longer your reality.
You must now start from scratch right here, right now at this very moment.
But of course, this isn’t necessarily a bad thing.
Your life is after all very much like a book, and every change that is forced upon you provides you with an opportunity to begin writing the next chapter of your life.

This new chapter, of course, presents you with uncertainty, but at the same time, this uncertainty brings with it undiscovered opportunities and tremendous possibilities.
It’s a chapter of your life that hasn’t as yet been written.
But thankfully you’re the author and you now have the power to begin anew and write this chapter any-which-way you choose.

Given this, adversity can in many ways become a humble blessing and a wonderful opportunity for you to turn over a new leaf and create a life for yourself that you never fathomed, imagined or expected.

But of course, in order to take full advantage of this new chapter of your life, you must first acknowledge all the things that just aren’t working for you any longer.
This is, after all, an opportunity for you to start fresh. As such, you must let go of all your past mistakes, failures and regrets.
Yes, by all means, learn from them, but don’t carry them forward with you to the next chapter of your life.
These things are your past and as such, they don’t define you at this very moment.

You must, however, of course, take responsibility. Your life is your life and you have played a critical role in shaping it through your daily choices, decisions, and actions.
Therefore, what you have or don’t have in your life right now is a direct result of what you have made of your life.
Take responsibility for this because there is no one else to blame but yourself.

Acknowledge that:

This is of my own making…

I accept things as they are…

It’s time to make a fresh start…

It’s only when you start taking full responsibility that you open the door to further possibilities as you begin writing the next chapter of your life.

Now, of course, taking responsibility also requires you to fully accept that bad things happen to the best of people.
However, judging these events and circumstances too early hinders you from seeing the true value of these events beyond the present moment.
You actually just never know how the dots will connect in the future and where adversity will lead.
Your greatest challenges could very well become your most wondrous blessings.

And starting over again by writing a new chapter of your life is the catalyst that can lead to this positive transformation.

– Adam Sicinski.