Saying the word “Sorry” means nothing on its own, it is when you look into their eyes and see the pain that they are feeling from what they did to you, the regret is seen, the tears and shame are in their quivering voice, shaking hands, as they ask for forgiveness.
It is in their whole body language, their whole spiritual attitude to what they have done to you, and their own deep shame for stepping so low, is where you see, feel, sense, that they have truly repented and will never do it again.
An apology is a hard things to do, it hurts the person who did wrong as much as they hurt you. If they are really truly genuine then you will know it. Anything less than their total commitment to their repentance and apology is fake, or half-hearted, and that means that they are not to be trusted.
Be wary of fakers, because they become good at faking apologies, so keep a constant note of their voice physical attitude, and especially constantly look into their eyes searching for honesty and truth.
Please, for your own sake, don’t let them off because it is a family member, or an old friend etc. They did wrong, so respect yourself, and don’t allow them the chance to do it again. be wise and demand full repentance and nothing less.
An apology is a totally spiritual feeling of repentance for a wrong done. People who mean it will transfer that deep feeling of regret to you in their whole attitude. Be wise, keep searching their eyes. And if they keep hiding their eyes, looking down, looking away, rubbing their eyes and not making honest loving regretful eye contact, then be very very suspicious of them.
You were not born to be a fool.
Have respect for yourself and your future.
I remember years ago doing something wrong, and talking to a woman and crying because I had made a mistake and hurt her feelings. I said sorry, and she kept looking into my eyes, searching, peering, like she was after something and this went on for a short while, and then as I looked back into her eyes, I realised that she was searching for my truth, my honesty, and when she was satisfied we hugged and cried together for a long time.
I have no fear of looking into people’s eyes. if they have something to hide I know they will look away. For me they must mean what they say, and they msut mean it truthfully so that I know that I am not about to get hurt or ripped off all over again.
Its got to be the real thing, and for you it must be too.
If you lose a faker in your life it is no real loss, get over it and move on.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
2 August 2015.