A friend recently had something go missing and he was telling me how he was talking to another person how to logically backtrack, meaning to go back in time step by step to find out what happened.
On Sunday morning I was getting ready to ride my bike to church and to my disappointment the back tire was flat, I had to hurry because it was getting late and it is a long way to walk to our church so I walked around the house and threw my cycling gloves down and rushed off to church on foot.
About 3 days later with the tube patched I was at a loss about where I had put my gloves. After looking in all the obvious places I decided to try to remember when was the last time that I had worn them. And I remembered going to a friends place on Saturday. I didn’t remember riding my bike after that. So I thought back to the discovery that the tire was flat and then I remembered walking around the house. So outside I went and there were my gloves on a container where I had put them.
Going back in time step by step is a logical way to remember things. As we think back (and sometimes we should write the things down in order as we remember them) we remember more and more things about the incident and events that happened around it.
You can also think back in time like this, carefully and logically if you want to remember some event in the past, or who did what. People can tell us things but sometimes when we have a traumatic event or some negative emotional thing happens we may forget the facts.
A good thing to think about is if someone tells you that something happened, but your current facts show you that they are wrong then they are telling lies, but why? What is the reason for this? Who was really to blame etc.
Please be logical and careful about the past, and encourage your own mind to bring forth the memories that are stored there.
Try to backtrack up to the event and then try to remember all the events that happened around that event. The truth is there. Sometimes our memory is like a jigsaw puzzle and we have to find the right pieces, and then put them all together the right way so that we can see the whole picture.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.