Being Inspired and Getting Motivated.

There are people, events, verses, proverbs, quotes, and such that can get a person very motivated.

Sometimes something just “clicks” and we get it and we change immediately, an epiphany.

I remember at the Kinlieth Cafeteria eating lunch with some work mates, and there was this huge guy coming in the double swing doors, and he was so overweight his friends had to hold “both” doors open for him to get inside to eat his lunch.
And I said to myself in thought, “I am never going to allow myself to get that fat.”
And this is why I cycle a lot, and do other exercises.

Because of back problems years ago my doctor told me that I had to keep exercising to keep my spine straight and true.

Strong hard muscle on either side of the spine helps keep the spine straight.
So I keep up with weight training, cycling, running, martial arts, bag work etc.
Its just to keep some muscle always there on the sides of my spine keeping it steady.
For medical reasons we can become inspired.

These things were solid influences on me.

Today many people are so careless that they can have a moment that was supposed to be an awesome life-changing revelation but they just brush it off and walk away.

To motivate myself for years when unemployed I would get up about 7:30 AM and walk to the shop each morning at 8 AM or sometimes 9 AM to make sure that I “had to wake up” when I really had no reason to get up. I could just as easily slept in each day and started Homeschooling a few hours later – but I refused to let that be me.

I have known a fair few people on Welfare and they sleep in to 10 – 11 AM each day, and I refused to let that be me, but I had to have an excuse that I forced myself to obey and follow up, even on the weekends. I needed those “keywords” drummed into my head “by me” to keep me going, active, getting up early, trying new things, fighting for good.

I prefer outdoors workouts because it has the added feature of wind, rain, struggles that are real and normal.

See what I mean about motivators and forcing oneself!

Going for bike rides on cold windy days is another thing that can be a struggle, and if I don’t cycle for a week I just put on so much weight I hate it, it really gets me down and makes me very angry with myself.
Anger at yourself is an excellent motivator because you are telling yourself, as your own best friend, to get up and do what is necessary to make your life better.

You are making yourself make it happen!

Love being Competitive.
Argue a point if it needs arguing, the more you argue the better you get at it, and the more you hear yourself argue the more you find out what you believe in and what you will stand up for.

When I learned to do a spinning kick it was through visualization first.
I would physically practice and fall, trip fumble, and so on.

I was very determined to get it right, so I would imagine with my eyes closed me doing the spinning kick, over and over again. The first day I did it I was so overjoyed that I practiced so much to get speed and accuracy.

Let the thrill of Success drive you.

When I achieved the Spinning Kick I felt an amazing feeling of success, self satisfaction, self respect, power and happiness, let all those feelings combined drive you forward to feel them again.

If you are defending someone, arguing for those who need protection and such, and each point you win mentally celebrate and move quickly on to the next point before the opposer can get a word in, rush their minds to get your point across leaving them struggling.

You are your own best friend, so kick butt, your butt, and get inspired to do the things that means so dear to you.

The desire to see the end result that you imagine and know must happen is another motivator.

Another is the very strong desire for justice and peace, to see the innocent protected, to give your all to help others even if it is at your own loss. To do nothing is to be as bad as those who do evil.

One cannot gain self love and self respect from cowardice,
remember that and push yourself forward.

Please remember that some people want us to be cowards so that they can control our lives, please don’t let that be you, fight on.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
3rd of May, 2021.