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One of the joys that I have had since joining Facebook is seeing so many people change and really come out of their shell’s. Facebook helped me in that area too.
A lot of us put up a “Facebook False Image” at first of who we are, probably because of insecurities and fear of being laughed at for being weird if we are truthful and honest about how we feel. We had been through a tough life, been beaten down, abused and used in so many ways.
Many lived with fears and anxieties.
At this time in history I would say that nowhere in history has so much emotional pain, tears, desperate pleas for help, etc been shared anywhere else than in the “imaginary place” we all call Facebook.
At this time in history I would say that nowhere in history has so many prayers been given, so much love, appreciation, care, thankfulness, help, and good deeds been done than in this imaginary place that we all go to call Facebook.
In the beginning many put up a facade, a false front for the world to see, a way to pretend that all was well with their lives, family etc.
As more people are coming aware that a faked personal impression is of no worth they started to talk more about their lives, spoke about what was really going on and that they needed help, and while getting help they supported others who were suffering too.
I still see lots of local Facebook profiles where people I know are going through family or personal hell yet are pretending that all is well in their homes and lives. It’s sad. They need help, but pride keeps them pretending that they are living the dream.
I found that expressing what I had experienced in days gone by, what I was thinking, had experienced in relationships, what I thought of life and people etc, that I was releasing a lot of negative energy, and the feedback I got was very positive from people who were suffering as well.
The many Facebook pages and groups that I am on have shown me that so many people are caring less and less about what people think of them, and they are talking about their emotions, pasts, child abuses, they are letting out there feelings, expelling negatives and because of the others suffering as well, we all support the person speaking of the truth of his or her life. It is so amazing and spiritually healing. People are truly awesome once they stop being fakes.
I remember being slapped on the face and clipped on the back of the head for crying as a child, called a baby at school for crying, so much so, that I was so scared of letting out my true emotions because I would be punished for being real. So I learned to hide it all within and that allowed it all to eat away at my health and happiness from the inside.
But here on Facebook grown men and women are crying openly in posts, videos and the many are offering prayers and help for other people. This is so healing and beautiful. So wonderful to see. So amazing being a part of it all.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
Originally Published on Facebook – 30th of July 2017.
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