Helping People grow!

How To Stop Falling Into The Past and Repeating Old Bad Habits That Make You Miserable!

Humans are creatures of habit.
And once we get into a routine we become used to it, comfortable with it, or at least familiar with it and we keep doing it. Once this happens we fall into a groove and continue to accept it as normal or natural. Please consider “Patterns”, because evil likes to use patterns to keep us locked in cycles of misery.
If you have a sin or bad habit that annoys you, or makes you unhappy and you wonder to yourself sometimes, “How could I be so stupid to do that again?” you may very well find that you have been seduced by temptation and it comes to you in the form of a previously used pattern.
Governments, public leaders etc can use patterns for people to follow.
When we are unhappy, confused, angry, frustrated and feel that life is of no purpose we can be guided into doing things that we normally wouldn’t do, or we do things that we don’t believe in. Crowd-Thinking is a good example of this.
Would the secretary at the local accountants ever consider attacking a Police car, turning it over and setting it alight? Of course not. Unless of course she is in a crowd who are hyped up against the Police and are losing control. Crowd thinking, the excitement of being with her friends on such an occasion, believing that she is part of something worthwhile, frustrated and confused by the noise, violence and fear, excited by the anger of the what seems like invincible crowd, she follows the crowd and does that very thing that normally she would never do, she helps push over the Police car.
Joe has a bad habit that sometimes brings him to tears because he repeats it. He wants to know why he repeats it. He feels like his life is out of control and that he must be some kind of special idiot to repeat it yet again.
Joe knows that God says that the habit is wrong, possibly evil. But as the years have gone by, and Joe’s days seem slow and torturous he becomes upset at God some days. He does not realize that on the days he falls into his old habit are the same days that he gets upset at God. His frustration and anger at God, separates Joe from God, and distances him from trusting God and due to this on this day Joe loses faith in God.
The pattern is this. Joe knows that the habit is bad and that God does not support it. When he gets upset with his life, downhearted and feels like life will never get better, he rants and raves at God. He gets mad at God, he blames God for his suffering etc. Finally in frustration a while later on he feels that he doesn’t want to listen to God and that all his life is fruitless and a struggle with no rewards.
This is the point where he falls back into the old habit. Lets say that the bad habit is abusing alcohol, or a marijuana joint, or smoking cigarettes, he takes one in frustration and continues feeling defeated, but at the same time lifted by the old companionship of the alcohol, drugs or a cigarette. He thinks of the old crowd and what seemed like the good times that they had, maybe he goes an joins them for a evening that he will later on regret.
But after a while he remembers what he was trying to achieve with his life. And the end result is that he hates himself all the more, and is angry at God more, and angry at himself more. And it seems like the alcohol, drugs or cigarettes are the only things that give him relief and freedom from the long hard toils of life.
At this point he can humble himself and go back to God really sorry, or he can go back to the bad habit and give up on his life – many do this.
The pattern is that he becomes disheartened and then blames God and then commits to the bad habit or sin again. If he goes back to God then a few days later, a week later, a month later and it will all happen all over again. He falls for it so easily because it has happened many times in his past and it is something that he is used to happening in his mind.
If he knew that it was a regular pattern in his life he would look for it, stop it, and break that vicious negative soul-destroying pattern. Modern education, science, the health systems etc don’t teach this and that leaves us wise open for patterns to repeat themselves in our lives.
Another example of this is people who manipulate us.
They use patterns to make us do things that they want us to do that they know that we are uncomfortable with.
They create patterns that you will get used to and become a habit in our life, and then you will find yourself following along wondering why you are doing what it is that you are doing.
In some cases the victim will be so comfortable with the pattern that they will come to believe that it is their own choice (even if they are uncomfortable with what it is that they are doing. People will ask he or she, “Well why do you do it if you don’t want to do it, that seems dumb?” and they will reply something like this, “Oh, I don’t know. I guess I just always do this. I don’t really know why.”
Patterns can be used against us.
Please keep a lookout for the patterns in your life.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
9th of December, 2014.