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Look at your friends. The drinkers, the smokers, the druggies, the opinionated, the feminists, the chauvinists, the immoral, the parties, and so on.
People become friends over the years for many reasons. Sometimes we work together and we like some of their activities. Some people are family. Some people we went to school with, and so on.
I wrote an article about 2011 about taking advice only off people who you want to be like, because other people won’t have the right information for you to live the life you want if they are not living that life themselves.
Because we have done things for our friends and they for us, especially family, we can become very loyal to them, and in an effort not to offend them we follow them through activities and ways that we are not comfortable with, but it makes them happy that we are there with them.
Our loyalty can be a trap.
We feel honoured to be liked, loved and included, so we strive to live up to what they want of us because they have in the past been good for us.
When you have a simply content life, your friends find you boring, but as they are loyal to you as you are to them (we hope) then they will want little time in your space, but they will want you in theirs. They are loyal to you, and you loyal to them, yet neither is the same really as the other. Loyalty is holding together people who have little in common, especially where values, morality and so on are involved.
Another point though is look at your friends, and then look at their teenage and grown up children.
To know their value in your life, do you see yourself as them, and do you agree with their lifestyle and what they tend to push you into doing alongside of them?
Now take another look. Think of your own children. Do you want your children to grow up like their children?
Do their children partake in drug abuse, alcohol abuse, party up large, do you imagine a future for your own children like that?
Does it make you smile to see yourself in the future sharing a marijuana joint with your daughter, or getting drunk together, or even possibly knowing about her immoral activities, affairs, many partners in bed? Do you smile?
Loyalty can be a trap that will make the things come true that you really don’t want to come true.
A test is to tell your friends that you have given up drugs, or alcohol, or whatever and tell them that you cannot partake in their parties, events, activities and functions anymore, then see how they react, and also think about whether you really would like to walk away from all those who you are loyal to and live the life you really want.
Another point is, if you were living a life that the people who you are loyal to are not living, would they come see you?
Instead of being insecure about them not wanting anything to do with your lifestyle, realise that since they don’t really like who you would like to be, they don’t like you for who you naturally are. And now you can see that they are only your friend because of past events and loyalty, not because they really like you as the person who you really are and the life what you really want to live.
Are they really your kind of people, or are you just loyal to them because they are of some sentimental value and you don’t want to let those past feelings become a part of the past. Hanging on to the past is not progress, we know that. Letting go means letting go of what is not working for us any more, and then moving forward to what we really want, need, desire and what makes us feel safe, content and happy inside.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
13th of December, 2021.
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