Replace Worry.

Banish worry to let joy and happiness in.

People can’t quit worrying because they can’t let go of ingrained ways of thinking.

The way to break this pattern is to take hold of a good idea to enable yourself to let go of a bad one.
I talked with a woman who had suffered a heart attack two years before, but whose doctors had since given a clean bill of health.
Even so she fretted, “Maybe it will come back.” She dwelled upon this fear until she enjoyed no part of her life.
I insisted that God had spared her because He had a plan for her. This finally broke the negative cycle that had gripped her life.

Take worry apart.
Since worry is an irrational thought, you must take worry apart, lay it out, dissect it, ut it up, and look at it piece by piece. Do this with cool, collected, rational thought.
Worry is a deceiver, but once you face up to it squarely, you will be able to handle it.

Some years back, full of fret and worry over a problem, I talked to Dr. David Keppel, a wise and logical man.

“Norman,“ he said, “let us sit down and take this worry apart.”

And remarkably, when he got through with it, there wasn’t much left.
He said that 90 percent of his own worries were never realized.

“And I was able to handle the ten percent that was left.” Dr. Keppel wrote a poem about this process.

When you turn a hard eye onto a problem, worry will lose its power.

There isn’t any situation so bad that it won’t become a lot better when you think rationally – and spiritually – about it.

Rise above worry.

Next time you find yourself bogged down in anxiety and worry, say to yourself,
“I will think this thing through. I will take it apart. I will not be disturbed by it.”

If you practice this, worry will melt away.

– N V Peale.

I read of a man who would arrive home and mentally take off his work coat of the workload of that day and hang it mentally on a tree outside his house before entering the home.

Once inside he completely forgot about what happened at work and was mentally overjoyed at being back home with the most important people in his life, his wife and children.
If we take work home with us we can ruin the end of the day.
Our family deserve the very best of us, and they expect and want the very best of our love and attention.
Our treatment and attitude to our family makes a huge difference to how they love and treat us.
Wise advice is to leave work where it is supposed to be and enjoy the love and happiness in our own home.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.