Respect means hearing a person out.

Respect comes from respecting other people regardless of who they are or what they have done. Hear them out.

Listen to them and show them that you care and that they can trust you with all their heart and soul.

People will respect you when you don’t judge them.
When we show sympathy for their past (Remember we have one too, and more than likely a few skeletons in the closet as well) and treat them as equals then they are willing to hear what you have to say to them.
Its scaring people or looking down on them that causes them to run away or threaten us.
If we show respect to people without judgements and without biased opinions we will open the door to save someone.
People are often wanting help but the past, being pushed around, mistakes and people who have judged them before have caused their pride to rise to great defiant heights.
Those defiant walls of hurt pride can be brought down with genuine love, care and empathy.
Always remember that the Bible says that God is Love.
Therefore we are as representatives of God to show love and respect for all the hurt people and help to give them another chance at their lives.

Nobody has the right to judge anyone.
Jesus gives that example with the woman caught in adultery. He tells her to sin no more, meaning don’t do it anymore or you will obviously get into big trouble, and makes it clear to those who judge her that they too have some different issues to deal with of their own before they judge her.
People just want to be understood and often have someone to talk to freely about their life, their concerns, the pains that they have been through and is enough to help them see the way to a new future and eternity. Only love can save them. And we as fellow travelers on this planet can be that love that they so very much need.
All the best and lots of love
from James M Sandbrook.
First published – 18th of August, 2012.