When a society teaches Love, people love:
Animals, Peace, The poor, Innocent, Decency, Each other, The Environment etc.
When people love something they defend it, protect it, and sacrifice for it. When people are taught to Love they grow in personal courage, confidence, and they become humble, meek and loving to all things.
When the society teaches the love of money, materialism, capitalism etc, then the result is apathy, a lack of interest, enthusiasm, an emotional detachment from others suffering, animal suffering or planet destruction etc.
Eventually apathy breeds people who care less about children, decency, innocent fun, etc. Eventually they care less about the well being of the young and can use them as sources of sexual gratification. In Pompeii in its reign it was seen as weird if people did not have a child to have sexual relations with.
“Pompeii was the manufacturer of pornographic pleasures unlike any time in Western history until…now” – Darren Hibbs. (Is Pompeii a warning for us today like Sodom and Gomorrah?”
Please note that around the world today people are calling for the freedom to partake in incest, child pornography, pediophilia, as more and more generations are produced to have less love and more apathy. Apathy is a result of immoral parenting, toxic abuse, and a society that floods the child’s brain with logic, common sense, academic education and little else. The results are loveless confused weak minded masses of young adults who have no idea how to cope in a toxic immoral world (that is becoming like Pompeii). You can see the gradual acceptance of immoral and indecent behaviour as a society teaches its young less about love and more about selfishness, career, being entertained, looking after number 1 etc.
When the society is based on Love then the people care about children, care about how children are brought up and what they learn, and the adults will sacrifice time to ensure that their children get a good decent strong foundation of Life Experience and Good Wholesome Decent Advice as a foundation below them so that they can call on this Life Experience and Parent/Adult Advice when they are an adult to help them through the years, and then pass on what they know to their own young because they are concerned for their children’s future and for the good of all humankind, animals, and the planet.
The lack of empathy in the general public is the reason that they don’t demand a better life and better world. People can become so self and career absorbed that they simply “switch-off” mentally about what they should care about. This is why the masses as a group don’t demand political people to be honest, humble, loving and caring, and this is why the masses just watch the world fall to ruin and don’t do anything about it.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
Originally Published on Facebook – 30th of July, 2018.