Wake up and smell the roses! That thought came to my mind just a little while ago.
It reminds me of someone who is living a daydream (possibly following the crowd in a mindless manner – not thinking for themself, but taking everything that everyone says to that person as the truth (without needing solid proof).
Someone is saying, “Wake up! Think about it! Look at the facts! The truth is right in front of your nose.
I heard an interview with the boy “Willis” from the TV series Different Strokes today, his real name is Todd Bridges.
He said that at a desperate time of his life, he felt was going crazy and had freaked out and he was at a total loss about what to do with his life and how to get it back on track. He had been abused as a child and had all sorts of crazy things happen to him. I am not sure if he prayed first or cried out or what but he said that God said to him to, “Take the cotton wool out of your ears and put it in your mouth!” meaning listen more than you are talking, and obviously listen to God who is trying to save him and lead Todd to safety and a better life.
Todd was following his own directions and that was simply putting him through bad experience after bad experience.
Sometimes we just have to “get real and wake up” and do what is right for ourself. I feel that God is trying to get this message to someone out there tonight.
We need to stop listening to the drama queens and such people, and finally do what we need to do to get our life back in order. We need to step away from those that are causing our problems and take charge of our own life.
I see a lot of people that God is trying to guide and over and over again God shows them what is right for them. But due to pride, arrogance, and even due to harsh judgments and seeing things for its surface value and not its depth they simply refuse to listen to God, or they toss away the suggestions that God is constantly putting in front of them.
We are supposed to be humble so that God can reach us. If we are not humble and we don’t listen it is simply us who will pay for it. If you feel that this is you then let go, give your life to God now and then follow God. Even if you gave yourself to Christ years ago, put down your pride and follow God.
I found this explanation of the Internet:
In NZ we use the phrase “wake up and smell the roses” to mean that someone needs to get realistic about a problem and stop avoiding the problem. i.e. stop burying your head in the sand
There comes a time for everyone where they wake up, or just keep allowing the crowd to bury them.
We need to stop avoiding what we know that we must do.
Life is about being responsible and growing with Christ.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
First Published – 31st of August, 2013.