Avoidance Bosses who Don’t Clear Up Issues.

Some Bosses are afraid of public shame, or fear redicule, or are simply protecting the company name and will not follow thinsg through for the employee’s.

Be aware of this because this kind of boss or Supervisor could cause you a lot of trouble in the future.

In my case a female worker claimed I pushed her, and she was in surveillance camera view. She made a mistake and then blamed me in front of customers and staff. I told the boss, but he said that it was my word against hers. I explained that there was video showing my innocence, and he said that they didn’t need to see it and that it was my word against hers.

In other words he took her side and refused to see her as guilty in any way. He suffers from hero Complex. Gets an ego boost from helping females, and cannot tell the difference of when he is being lied to or not.

On another occasion a female worker at a clients site lost the plot and road-raged at me for closing a door too loud. Then the next day in panic that she was going to be sacked, she rang the owner of the company claiming that I had abused her verbally and was bullying her. He refereed her to our Supervisor.

She foolishly had abused me right under one of the surveillance camera’s.

My supervisor once again took her view that she was innocent,  and kept on at me for a week, while I was trying to clear my name, accusing me of bullying her.

So even though there was video showing my innocence, our Supervisor refused to view it.
Finally fed up with him I took matters in to my own hands and went to the business and saw the woman in charge. She saw the video and apologized to me.

If I had eft it, it wpould have been two women making claims agaisnt me and my supervisor telling themt hat I was guilty, and if police int he future were faced with such another false claim against me, I would have had 2 counts of females accusing me of abusing them verbally and physically, all because the supervisor for our company refusing to go to the proper channels and get it all sorted out immediately.

Be very aware that people in authority can have the hero Complex and will always take the side, evidence or not, of supporting the female making claims against you.

A history of crime, fake or not, can get you in to prison in the end for something you never did.


Stand up for yourself.