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So you just thought that a hammer was a hammer.
There are different types of hammers used for different things such as a framing hammer, standard hammer, claw hammer, ball pein hammer, and some are cheap and some are very expensive, such as $300 or above for one hammer.
The part of the Hammer that hits the surface is called the Striking Face. And on some hammers the Striking face can be changed.
Mallets have many uses and are of different design for different tasks. Some for carving, some for hitting wood into place. The standard hammer may have a striking face and a claw for pulling out nails, but the Mallet has two striking faces, front and back.
Many of us have a favourite hammer, favourite screwdriver, and certain tools that we prefer to use, you will find the ones that you like the most in time.
Above is a Mallet with a rubber head. These have two striking faces and can be used in automotive work and in carpentry. Please don’t hit anything sharp or a nail with these or you will damage the striking face.
Hold the hammer at the end of the handle.
Practice hitting a knot on some old wood or a mark to get some accuracy.
When hitting in a nail, hold the nail and tap, tap, tap, the nail deeper into the wood so far that you are reasonably sure it won’t come out and then hit the head harder until you get a good swing going and you can see the nail going in deeper.
It takes a bit of practice to get this right, you will find your way, so please don’t worry.
What you can do its drill a path for the nail to travel, or punch a hole with a nail punch.
The main thing is practice, and you will get really good with a hammer. Hammers are also used to whack out wood if we are taking something apart, for tapping wood into place.
You will no doubt end up with many hammers in the workshop, some you will use often, some every now and then for a special task that you are doing.
If the hammer handle does not absorb vibration a persons arm can ache, so ask other people who use hammers for their favourites and then ask them why they prefer that hammer. Getting other people’s advice can save you money, time, and get you some very good hammers.
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