I was talking to a woman who was serving me in a supermarket, she was recovering from cancer and was telling me about being cancer free. We talked about food products and how unhealthy many are today. She has obviously been thinking more about life, our food and water that we consume and about what causes cancer and other diseases.
For a while now I was suspicious that something was wrong with her health (she lost her hair at one point) so I was praying for her, but didn’t pry into her life or tell her that I was concerned or praying. But when I saw her and she opened up about the cancer I told her then that I had been praying for her.
When I was an atheist not one religious person ever reached me. Not one. I couldn’t stand how thy seemed to be, and to some degree I enjoyed sin. I also demanded proof from God if God was really there, and up to that point my Belief System based on not believing in God was what I used to run my life.
What finally convinced me was a “Slap over the ears kind of situation”, an awakening 🙂 In one night I went from being an atheist to a full believer in God. Same kind of thing happened to Paul, and Martin Luther, both were scared, shocked and completely convinced. If I remember correctly Martin Luther was on a horse contemplating life and a flash of lightening nearly struck he and his horse and he became convinced that a religious life was for him after such a shocking sigh.
For me something terrifying and shocking happened, and I became convinced that if such bad existed and that the world was a good place “generally” then if only evil and bad existed there would be no good on the planet, only evil. But obviously there is much good, so there must be a base for that good and that is obviously God. I hadn’t read a Bible, I hadn’t been to church and I wasn’t convinced by a religious person. It was plain terrifying shocking proof that knocked me off the safety perch (comfort zone) I though I was on, even though my life was absolute misery.
The woman mentioned above had to have cancer to open her mind to other beliefs and other thoughts, like the wondering about the food that we eat and water. Prior to that she probably didn’t even consider such things.
I certainly had no time for God, Christians or religious, I was living my own life “my way!” and I was incredibly unhappy living like that, but I still clung stubbornly to my false and deceiving Belief System.
All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
Saturday, 25 February 2017, 11:14:19 AM.
I saw an article that stated that we had many Belief Systems, but it does seem that we don’t.
We have one Belief System made up of many “beliefs” (things that we have come to the conclusion are facts, truths and absolutes, our own reality). Each belief is a part of the jigsaw, a piece that when added to all the other beliefs that you have come to think are true combine to make the Belief System that your life is based on.
More and more recently I have come to the conclusion that I cannot reach anyone who does not want to be reached on any given subject, and especially about that person changing his or her own lifestyle to something better. You think, “But a wholesome life, good food, clean water, good manners, decent work ethics, good moral standards, all are th ingredients to a good community and good healthy lifestyle, but many will fight what you suggest tooth and nail, some even try to make a fool of you or become violent and threatening.
Whatever happened to these people’s lives formed the Beliefs that they have today, and all of those beliefs combine to make the Belief System that this person believes in. For instance this person may have a nice nature but believe in something immoral as a part of his or her life’s pleasures. To change that person’s beliefs is near on impossible. The only way that most people (probably 99% of the time) is for that person to “experience” something that will wake he or she up and change their thoughts on that subject. Yet, to you, what you are trying to convince that person of is wrong is very obvious, in fact to you nothing could be more obvious, but you still can’t get through.
In religion they say that various people do the work to help one person’s life. Meaning that God will send different people into our lives to show us what is real, to help us gain knowledge and wisdom. And sometimes bad people are there to help us see what bad is, to learn how to deal with such people and then to wisely move on removing such people from our own life.
If you are trying very hard to convince someone and that person is not listening even after 5 to 10 years, then the wise thing to do is to move on.
I have seen cases where a person will try very hard to change someone for years, and as soon as that person removes themselves from the lives of the person/people that he or she is trying to teach and then that person changes. Even if you are a good person and you love those people it could be you who is the problem stopping that other person from change and growth. You have become a thorn in their side and for them to think clearly they need the thorn removed. They may or may not want you to leave, but that is because they don’t understand what is really happening around them.
Change comes from many different people, in many different ways. If you have failed to help someone see the light for many years then move over and let someone else do it. Let go, let God have control again.
When a child is brought up in a village he or she will be as the village people are. A good example of this is the white children taken in by a native American tribe. The child does not become as his or her parents were. What I mean is that the child is not educated as the children back in France or England, but instead the child takes on the exact same habits, feelings and ways of life as the Native American tribe people have as their Belief System.
If you take that European child away from the tribe then he or she will feel towards you as any of the other tribe members do. To bring that child back to his or her own culture one must slowly
All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
Saturday, 25 February 2017, 11:13:41 AM.
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