Born Again.

• You are stronger than you think, I know because of all the times I didn’t think that I could get through and I did.
I like Lincoln’s saying, “This too will pass.” I use it often.

As far as being worthy, useful and needed I have found that helping people out who are less fortunate than I am helps me to realize that I can make a difference to others lives and be useful as well.

Life is good when we live a natural life, a simple non-complicated life,. and where we meet our need’s and don’t expect perfection from ourselves.

Knowing that we cannot and never will be perfect allows us to realize that, hey, its fine to make a mistake, but just be sure to learn from it.

Each time you get up from a fall you become wiser, have more knowledge and will find other way’s that are more healthy and successful to deal with what led to the fall.

How we react to what happens to us in our lives makes a huge difference to how happy we will be. If we let a two minute even destroy our life by fermenting it in our minds then we are going to be miserable for the day and make other people miserable from our mood.
If we react more positively we let go faster, recover from the event quicker, put it aside wiser from the event and have a great day.

Depression causes Grey-Thinking where we recirculate bad thoughts, negative thoughts, doom thoughts and they grow and cause us stress, fears, worries and the like about things that won’t ever happen, but the anxious depressed mind makes them seem like they will happen, that they are fact and real.

Depression makes us feel worse for wear, tired, unable to cope etc, and also causes us to see a darker more cloudy world even on the most glorious sunny days.
Its all in the mind, and it is all pointless self activated and self growing misery.

Breaking The cycle of Negative Grey Thoughts is the answer.
If a person is very used to thinking very low of themselves and life it seems to feel like a comfort zone and they can become pessimistic, unhappy and cannot see opportunities and happiness right in front of them.
This kind of thinking causes one to make mistakes in life and each mistake adds to the depressive thoughts, self doubts, self hate and a desire to not exist.
Breaking the cycle is a hard path to take, but the rewards are real, a happy life, good times and a far better attitude about life, love, other people and yourself. So you have a reason for doing the hard yards and succeeding.
• Do you really want to be happy?
• Do you want true Love?
• Do you want to be needed?
• Do you want a loving caring family?
etc, etc, these things are the rewards for the hard work in changing your mind around from the misery it is currently in for a life that you were born to have.

You cannot change your life until you make a stubborn active non-stop effort to change, and regardless of the tears, galling down and struggles you won’t give up.

From the lowest point in your life you have now the opportunity to do as I did and millions of others have done, and that is to get back up off your knees and change your life for the better.
Most of the change is a cleansing, a change of how you approach life, and a new ways to respond to what is happening around you while deliberately challenging yourself to see the good things around you, to appreciate the good, the good people and the chance for you to step yup your game and help other people who need help without judgments (humility), and while doing all this start to find ways to meet your needs.

Make the input to your mind be only positive music, clean humour, good healthy food, clean healthy water, and you may well have to make a big clean out of friends because the family and friends of the past were the one’s who helped you gain the negative toxic frame of mind that you have today. Don’t hang on to people because of emotional ties or what they have done for you in the past, because hanging on gets you anchored in parts of life that held you back and kept your mind dark and struggling.

This is about a cleansing of your life, your mind, the people around you and of your approach to life and people.
Hanging on to deadwood, being picky and choosy can have you stuck in a rut, but once you let go other people will come into your life and with them your mind will see life differently.
Its abut leaving your toxic comfort zone and fining out how amazing life is and how wonderful, useful and good you really are and that you are worthy of a good life.


All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Thursday, ‎19 ‎December ‎2019, ‏‎5:28:54 PM.



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