Breaking the quitting cycle: (The quitting-habit & and quitting attitude)


Breaking the quitting cycle: (The quitting-habit & and quitting attitude)
Once we say that we will do something but don’t, and then say we will do it over and over again, and still don’t, we just get into the habit of quitting and will never take that final step that will bring us success so we never do know if it would have turned out alright. It’s a self-defeating habit that we get into that produces nothing from no efforts.
Many opportunities come to us over and over again. We pray and ask God to give us worthy chances, good people to be with, marriage – God sends then to us and if we are in the habit of quitting then we will more than likely be true to form we may fantasize about the possibilities and get excited but never have the courage to do anything. God cannot work with us and bring us chances and changes to our life if we will not act on them.
If the opportunities look impossible then much prayer is needed but if you become convinced that the Holy Spirit has spoken to you then we must realize that to gain God’s blessings sometimes we must act by ourself as God has directed us to act. The Bible has many stories of people have to step out on their own and trust God and then do as they are supposed to do.
That negative “quitting-cycle” needs to be broken and we have to dare our self, to be bold and go where we have not gone before, we must try and have a go. Regrets are made from wondering about it, thinking about it, wishing to do it, but never physically doing anything. The bad habit takes over, fears set in and we achieve nothing even if God keeps bringing us the opportunity over and over again – eventually God will stop offering it to us and someone else will grab it and we will always live with regrets because the quitter attitude is always in control of us.
The quitting-habit must be broken to open the way for the future. It must be broken so that we can look ourself in the mirror happy that we had the guts to try, to have a go. The quitting-habit must be broken so that we will know whether it was the right thing to do and if it is then we reap the rewards, if we never have a go, we will never reap any rewards, we will regret and wonder “if” and do this forever and always.
Not having a go because we keep putting it off is making sure that we are weak, that we are a failure, and that we will never receive any rewards because these sorts of situations will always come up and we will always run from them again and again until we break that quitting cycle. So we must do it to be true to ourself.
– James M Sandbrook.


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