Character Faults.

Some people are so bitter, so guilty, so angry, that all the badness that they claim to see in us, is their own character faults.

They claim complete justification for their feelings and bitterness. Yet they are completely wrong.

Sometimes those that are our accusers are guilty of what they accuse us of, and we can be totally innocent.

You can walk up to a person and say, “Hello!” And the bitter, angry, guilty soul will see in your genuine attempts to be nice, something bad.

They see us through their view, but that does not mean that their view of us is correct. And the saddest thing is that no matter how you try to be nice to some people they never see the innocence or niceness of our approach, all they do is see their own personal character faults in people that they choose not to like.

We have to accept that such people exist. We don’t have to live with them, but we may have to work with such a person. They are a true test of our own character.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
‎Thursday, ‎15 ‎October ‎2015, ‏‎6:17:14 AM.

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