Dress Ups

All through my childhood my sisters and I would play Dress Ups with our friends.

We would use our imaginations and get clothes and arrange them in such ways that they were part of the game, or like characters in movies, history or TV that we had seen.

We didn’t use makeup that I can remember, except to make clown faces and so on, silly fun stuff. And we would make masks to wear as some famous character, or from someone from history who had become a hero for the people, that sort of stuff.

It was all innocent fun.

To make the scene we would also dress-up the lounge or whatever room we were playing in or outside in the back yard, and we would make huts from whatever was handy, boxes, sheets, wood, whatever we could find and our imaginations did the rest.

My mother went through a fun sewing stage and she made me a Zorro cape, a Daniel Boone hat made of Possum skin and a Daniel Boone jacket complete with awesome tressesls.


Mother made my sisters some clothes as well to suit our Dress Ups games and for parts in history.

Its a lot of fun for children, costs so little, and can increase imagination, creative thinking, excitement, and just innocent fun for many hours as the children make up games or reenact parts of TV, movies or history, and that could lead to acting careers and such.

This is the sort of gaming education that teaches children to think. Gaming on a computer has children reacting and such, but not creative thinking. There is a huge difference between the two.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.

7th of May, 2021.