Making a Home Made Periscope.


I remember making these as children and when we played Cowboys and Indians, Zorro, or Pirates, or whatever was the latest games we were in to. When we were hiding and we didn’t want to be seen, but we still wanted to see over the ditch or whatever, we used these Home Made Periscopes. They were a lot of fun to use and make.

I bought these small  5 cm by 5 cm mirrors at the Dollar Store here in Tokoroa. I would imagine that they can be bought anywhere worldwide. The fit very well in a milk cartons.

When I was a child we made these Periscopes out of wood and cardboard.

The milk carton idea is just a prototype, the next step is to make the same project in cardboard or wood so that the Periscope lasts for years.

For my Prototype I used a milk carton. So set your eyes upon Image 2.

At Points A and D I cut a hole in the sides, about 40 mm each.

At Points B and C, I cut slits in the carton that were a tight fit for the mirrors, and then I slid the mirrors in and positioned them roughly at 45 degree angles each.

When you look in at Place D you can see what mirror B is see out the hole A.

Image 3
Image 4

Image 3 shows the rough hole I cut to see if it would work, and it works fine, possibly a bit too big though.

Image 4 shows the thin slot cut and the mirror inserted.

As long as you keep the fit tight the mirror will just sit there, and that is good enough for a prototype, but not good enough for a finished product. So the nest step to to ask yourself how you will keep the mirrors in place:

  • Blue Tack.
  • Glue.
  • Sticky Tape.
  • Putty.
  • And so on…

You could stick with the milk carton (or cardboard or wood) paint it black so that it may be hard to see, or paint it camouflage like how the Armed forces do it. Its up to you. One could also add a stick in the side or a dowel and glue that to each mirror and then they could be slightly turned to allow the mirror angles to be changed/adjusted for a clearer picture.

I hope that here are enough ideas to get you going and wanting to have a go at this project.

Maybe your parents could help you make a home made Periscope.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.

6th of May, 2021.