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The original Scrapbooks were any book, but preferably a book with blank pages, that photos, pictures, even leaves and the like were glued or taped on the pages, but normally there was a theme of some sort.
What we would do was draw in the headings, sketch here and there and it was a very personalized creation.
Modern Scrapbooking generally consists of someone going to town to buy a Scrapbook, many stickers, alphabet shapes/stickers, and special or many different coloured pens, pencils felt tips used.
Scrapbooking is a method of preserving, presenting, and arranging personal and family history in the form of a book, box, or card. Typical memorabilia include photographs, printed media, and artwork. Scrapbook albums are often decorated and frequently contain extensive journal entries or written descriptions. Scrapbooking started in the United Kingdom in the nineteenth century. – Wikipedia.
You could add cut-
Some people kept scrapbooks like they were a diary and they would try to add something everyday with a short write up of what happened that day or even a small page of the days events, and at the top of the page sketch or draw the date/year and so on.
I have read many biographies and stories of how people went back home and found their childhood scrapbooks and while reading through them were heart-
Clever school teachers would start the children on a scrapbook on a theme that the class was working on and each day new things were added along with images, writings and such. This was handy for the children as they got to have much fun, be creative and learn all at the same time.
Today you can go to a store and buy all sorts of stickers and such, stick them in the book, and ift is all perfect, but not so personal. I personally preferred the old approach as it was more exciting and fun to do.
A scrapbook could be about your life, your holiday, your year, even one day your birthday.
A wedding, yours or someone else’s, could be recorded in a scrapbook and maybe given to the bride and groom on their anniversary.
You could scrapbook the first year of your child’s life, church activities, friendship scrapbook, school, a club and your visits, who were there each time you all met up, what you all got up to, photos, drawings, people’s comments, and even signatures at the end of the scrapbook.
Years later a scrapbook could be scanned and made into a book to give ut to all those in the scrapbook or for a family event.
The only thing that limits you is your imagination, so get to it and have fun.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
13th of May, 2021.
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