Cosmetics, makeup, to make you feel confident – doesn’t work.

There was a mental health incentive in the past designed to help rehabilitate women, and it consisted of beauty and drugs. The idea was to help to give them confidence by looking at themselves and hopefully feeling better by the pretty or beautiful image they saw staring back at them.

Of course this went on to them by having vanity issues and the purchase of cosmetics etc to help keep her feeling “special” and important. The more she spent on clothes, shoes and makeup, the more she felt special.

The problem was that it was purely a “makeover” while the inside was feeling bad.

Sometimes they were given pills to keep them calm and submissive, and then they were “built up” by the “beauty treatments” to make them feel special, worthy, important etc.

Of course this does not work, but it is still a common practice in the mental health system today. It has no practicable worth except to delude the patient to believing that she is cured (back to normal) and then feeling confident and capable she steps out of her shell and does what she normally wouldn’t do or does things out of her character, bold actions etc.
Once she had done something that she would normally not have done in the past they tell her that she did it out of her own judgement and that the move showed that she was growing confident, acting with bold courage etc.

It is a way of “suggesting” that someone is getting mentally better from the false sense of security (and Dutch courage) from drugs, and from her “physical looks”. °
This is a fools game with someone’s mental instabilities and the results will clearly and obviously be a meltdown and lots of regrets.

If the mentally unstable person is convinced that she made the bold choice, then she will in the future dislike herself for doing it, and she will be tortured by regrets.
Please don’t ever let people use vanity, beauty and drugs to falsely improve your courage.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
‎Saturday, ‎27 ‎February ‎2016, ‏‎11:18:40 PM.

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