To explain this I will run off a scenario/example/possibility .
A young female is abused by her parents, but due to her young age she is seduced into thinking that the immoral, indecent, unethical behaviour with her parents is normal behaviour, but as her parents said, “Their family secret.”
The other siblings are included and the family dysfunction becomes an accepted Belief System, a way to live, the family secret for sure, but as time progresses this behaviour becomes the norm for all of them.
By this time the family, who enjoy their illegal activities, have now joined with other such dysfunctional-minded families and they all participate, as a group, in this society unacceptable behaviour.
Over the years they have come to see their behaviour as normal, but that the greater world does not understand them, and they bring up their young to be like them participating in the family indecency, thus now we have a larger group all of the same dysfunctional mental Belief System. And the mental dysfunctional disease grows infecting more and more children, who grow up to adulthood, all supporting and believing that their activities with their parents and others is harmless.
One day, the daughter falls in love with a nice older man, and she is quickly guided to stay away from him by her immoral family to preserve the family ways because “he would not understand”.
Immediately, by the parents, the man is seen as a threat due to his unshakable honesty and the fact that he cannot be bought at any price, this makes him very dangerous to them.
The group, with materialistic power, money, and mentally dysfunctional youth in their power they convince the 17 year old girl that the man is evil using gossip, lies mixed with truths, deep fake type video, fake phone calls, “stories”, and her friends and family recounting “accounts of this mans evil behaviour to them”, even telling the female that he is stalking her on her own back yard.
The young female, already mentally scarred, mentally unbalanced and emotionally unbalanced as a result from around 9 years of immoral, indecent and toxic behaviour is easily led and easily controlled to hate, fear, wanting protection from the man who she had originally fallen in love with.
The Police were asked to scare the man away from their street because the daughter was now terrified of him, and the other sisters told sad, fearful stories to the Police as well as they were guided by their parents to do so.
The Police saw the man a few times threatening him, but never going a step further as told by the parents of the girl. The parents of the girl pretended to be decent good people just wanting the man out of their life and to leave their daughter alone, but not wanting to take any further action against him.
The real reason for the Police not going further is that the Criminal Group want to use the Police as guardians of their child-abuses, but they don’t ever want it to go to court or the Criminal Group will be found out for their evil ways when true professionals step in and interview the children, especially the now 18 years mentally unstable female. The Police are eager to help, and eager to help this family that they see as honest, pillars of society, decent and only wanting protection.
To carry this example onwards and be somewhat extreme to show the full effects of creating a victim we will say that the daughter became obsessive of this man though being denied his love and physical attentions.
The 18 year old, starts to read the man who she has fallen in love with Facebook page.
The man she loves posts of the foul things that she has been doing (He does not know that she reads his stuff until years later) with her mother, family and friends. Being a decent religious man he posts also of true love, honesty, good behavior, honour, righteousness and God, and her conscience gets the better of her. Each time she see’s the good man she shrinks more and more within herself in personal self-disgust for who she has become under her dysfunctional parents guidance and abuse. Thus terrifying the parents as they want her to side with them not him.
While the Criminal Group is proudly clinging to their toxicity, the 18 year old has finally realized what she has become , she realizes that her childhood dreams are shattered because now she knows that she will never be allowed to marry for love, she will only be allowed to marry who she is told to marry by the criminal Group.
Finally she breaks, quits her job in the supermarket she works at and goes insane, totally flips out and she has to be taken away for some months under the pretence that she has gone to Polytechnic int he big city.
The mother was able to recruit a sympathizer in the mental health industry who has the same toxic beliefs and she helps the family. To have the daughter in the hands of the real authorities meant a lot of prison time for them all.
When the daughter comes out of mental health care she is still “not-right”, but from this moment is created into a long-term victim due to her adoration of the man she hates/loves.
She still loves him in heart, but her mind has been taught to hate him, with both functioning at once she finds her world a whirlwind of fantasy that The Criminal Group created and The true Calling of her Heart.
Her hate for him is her imagination going wild and her love is what she dreamed of all her childhood, a loving family life.
The Criminal Group has some other issues with the young females in the group who see the goings on and they too, due to their mental dysfunction from being abused for so long, start having serious emotional mental issues.
Wanting to stop this problem from reoccurring in the future and wanting to have a fool-proof way to ensure that if one of the abused flips out that they the abusers won’t go to jail.
Rather than kill off their victims vastly increasing their chances of going to prison, they bring in the heavy guns, mentally dysfunctional mental health professionals to work on the mind of the daughter using various mental health techniques known as Dark Psychology – phenomenon by which people use tactics of motivation, persuasion, manipulation and coercion to get what they want..
Thus the victim is kept in a permanent state of mental illness (Munchausen by proxy), with the “professional” making claims of the victim having permanent issues and so forth to disarm any suspicion and doubts about the females issues. Also the “professional”, who we will now call her Minder causes people to believe that the cause of the daughter’s mental issues (Now 12 years later) are due to the man stalking her, the one she still loves 12 years later.
The Flying Monkeys have not even realized that she should be cured from her fears after 12 years of therapy and help.
Over that 12 years of being manipulated, drugged, hypnotized, Gaslighted, and given a big non-stop dose of The Stockholm Syndrome to keep her like Patty Hearst was, submissive, supportive, and obedient to her captors, she holds various jobs, partakes in various social events, in the hope that she will sink back into society as an active part in society, but totally harmless to the Criminal Group, submissive to her “appointed” marriage partner (which became a few as each marriage in turn failed)
By creating her into a permanent victim through the use of such as:
• Gaslighting – To keep her confidence down.
• The Stockholm Syndrome – To keep her siding with her mental health abusers, the Criminal Group and so on.
• Drugs – To keep her under control as Eugene Landy did with Brian Wilson from the Beach Boys did with Brian. Hypnotism – To override her mind so that when she was gaining her mental powers they could drug her in a drink/food, hypnotize her to go against her own findings and investigations and they regain control of her mind all over again.
• Isolation – To keep her mind focused on only what they are telling her so that she will believe only what they tell her. This mind manipulation is for the Minder/Manipulators to become her only world for as long a period of time as is necessary to make her think and believe in life and her personal situation as they have guided her to do so, thus making it easy to control her and to have her believe what they tell her is truth regardless of what she see’s in reality.
• Dark Group Therapy – With people brought in to fake a genuine therapy session with all telling lies, and aimed at the man she loves and aimed at keeping her fear of him alive and well.
To keep her under their control is to have her fear the person she loves, and the only way to override her heart is to poison her mind and be in control of her mind.
The same was done to her friends, they too were all told to fear the good man in an effort to make sure that they didn’t report positive findings back to the daughter and cause her to doubt her captors.
Thus the daughter “Became a victim” of which she is not.
She is not a victim at all, but rather the cause of the innocent man being a victim.
Staying a “victim” in at least in appearance to others gave her many advantages:
Benefits of Being a Victim written by Jody Michael, MCC, BCC.
The reason why so many people adopt a victim mentality is that it often comes with many perks. It can be easier to coast through life when:
• You don’t take responsibility for anything.
• You get a lot of attention.
• Other people feel sorry for you.
• Others are less likely to criticize you.
• You get what you want.
• People listen to your stories.
• There’s always something interesting (i.e. some kind of drama) going on in your life.
• You feel you have a right to complain.
Once the person is in this “I am a victim” mental state he or she “lives it” and the more they benefit the less they want to hear the truth or to face the reality that they may not be the victim at all, but they love all the attention and help that comes from it, and also due to their mental-issues no one will take the victim to tasks for anything in fear of upsetting her or causing another mental situation that may set the so-called victim back, no person wants to be to blame for that.
The victim is often treated with kids gloves, protected, loved/liked, of even seen as a hassle, but all-in-all, no one wants to upset the victim in the belief that the victim has been through so much it would seem so cruel to cause her more mental stress and drama.
The manipulators/Minders, knowing of this victim-state-of-mind, are only too keen to create this “mentality” within their charge, and the result is everyone “understands” in some way the suffering of the victim so they won’t push her, they won’t question her in any deep manner, they won’t push her, and most assuredly they would never question the so-called dedicated wonderful people protecting her, helping her, volunteering their time, efforts, love, money and so on all for the love to this innocent victim.
In other words it is a fail-safe way to make sure that the victim is never pushed, never made responsible, and most importantly no one will ever question those who are abusing the victim or the Criminal Group all playing the heroes as good decent wonderful people wanting only the best for this sweet darling who suffers day-to-day.
The Dark Therapists or Dark Mind Doctors are types who have no moral values, no issues about manipulating people for money, and they are hired by Criminal Groups to clean-up-the-mess when something goes wrong and someone has mental issues.
Imagine this.
We have a very dysfunctional world, people turning to violence daily, huge amount of alcohol, drug and other self-inflicted abuses, child abuse on the rise, domestic violence always on the rise, crime on the rise, people flipping out all the time, yet you seldom if ever hear of someone going insane and then reporting the criminal activities of their own family, and the reason why is Dark Therapy, or Dark Psychology, where people are brought in right under the noses of the Police, Health Professionals, Authorities, and they “take-care” of the “difficult” people to set them right back into the arms as active members of the Criminal Groups or as wives or husbands of narcissist manipulators who make the marriage look a darling from the outside and the victim lives a quiet life of abuse and cruelty.
These people who are experts at Mind Manipulation gather relations and friends around the very person who they are mentally abusing and use these people as Flying Monkeys to help support their cause and to help to keep the victims away from anyone who is a threat to the Criminal Group and this help to protect the Criminal Group can also be gullible Police individuals.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
12th of February, 2022.
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