As long as criminal groups, such as drug rings, pedophile rings, gangs, and so on are “friends” with the law in some way and with those in important places they can protect themselves.
This is often done by carefully bringing important people into their groups, and then in various ways “including that person into their criminal behaviour“, then that person is threatened, albeit gently, to remind them of their participation in the criminal behaviour (intentional or not) and reminding that person or person’s that they would not want the public to know what they have done, or simply the fear of the having to go to prison for their brief criminal behaviour (brief but enough to have them convicted as a criminal), and now, “could you please do us this favour?” and they do in fear of going to prison.
The criminals know that when a person is suffering fear a person goes into Self-Preservation Mode and the fact that the person who they are using, is reminded of their activities with the criminals goes into fearful survival mode as well, in this mental state will do anything that he or she is told to do to survive this unexpected fright (and threat to their normal secure life), also in fear of going to jail and suffering public shame guides them.
Many people foolishly assume that their brief skirmish into a criminal activity is with “friends” and they are completely unaware that they are being setup to be used in the future as a pawn for the criminal group.
When a person suffers such fears he or she puts aside their moral guidance and does what they are told that is immoral, wrong, unlawful (etc) in the hope that the situation will go away and never come back.
But once the criminals have evidence against the victim they will use it when they need to use that person to protect themselves and their fellow criminals.
True Story Example:
There was a man who’s wife was a pedophile and she wanted her husband to become one as well. He was against the idea, and he did not know that she was a part of a Satan Worship group as well. After years of protest this meek man was got drunk but the wife and her friends, seriously drunk, and then they put his daughter on a table and recorded him having sex with her. She was about 6-7 years old.
The daughter was not drunk and in pain and horror watched her drunk father rape her, and for years suffered mental issues over the event.
Having recorded the actions of the father while drunk from that day on they had him terrified of going to prison and they controlled him. He never had sex with his daughters again, but he didn’t stop his wife and her activities or including her daughters into their sex activities again.
Hillary Clinton and J Edger Hoover were both well known for getting dirt on people and then using those people for their own personal gain.
I knew a school teacher who would take her class to the local Police Station for a tour and she carefully created “trusting” relationships with the local Police staff so as to use them later on as protection and to come to her aid should she need to play the victim, she is a pedophile, yet she has full local Police support.
Another case, a pedophiles daughter worked in a Child-Lawyers office as his secretary.
Because of this connection the pedophile was able to garner a friendship with the lawyer and gather his faith and trust as an honest decent person/mother who followed the law and wanted her daughter (who she had a sexual relationship with as lesbians) to be honest and lawful as well.
In the future when she was in need of his services or other Police services she could call on her lawyer friend for help, advice and so forth.
Local supermarkets are used to protect and help pedophiles/criminals as well as others local businesses.
If they can get their criminal in to a position at the bank, supermarket and so forth then the manager can bring in the victims of their criminal activities (seduced victims) and they can become the young checkout girls that you are served by. These young females are either parts of a criminal family or were seduced into a pedophile ring and are now in the supermarket under the close eyes of the Manager who is their pedophile lover.
Should the seduced pedophile or even criminal victim (controlled by sex, drugs, and pleasure) fall in love with a good honest person then the manager, along with the Pedophile Ring, and their legal/Police contacts, rally against the good person with a well executed and carefully controlled Character Assassination.
If the young person still is in love with the good decent honest person the Police are brought in as guard dogs to threaten the good person, and the young person who fell in love with the good person is taught to hate the good person with fake photos, deep fake video’s, and lies from fellow criminals.
Should the young person become mentally imbalance or frantic because of the denied love (due to the young person’s lack of mental stability due to being abused when young) the young person is then convinced that the “issues” they are having are “obsession” and not love, and to avoid (who she loves) with a vengeance, to fear and hate that person at all costs. Thus keeping them apart and the pedophile ring secure past the suffering of the victims.
The whole idea is to create relationships with people with titles and people in the judicial system.
Then they create the “I’ll scratch your back if you will scratch mine” situations, and they do favours for these titled and powerful law aiding people so that they can call on these people in the future when the criminal ring or its members are in some way in trouble with the law.
I have met Police who have said that they have gathered all the evidence for a sure fire conviction only to stand stunned in court as the accused gets off completely free for no apparent reason, but once judgment or lack of judgment is passed nothing can be done about it and the criminal goes free. A case clearly of criminals having “people on the inside” working for them.
In the case of Pedophile Rings there are many young people seduced, drawn into the pleasures of sexual activities, and after 10-15 or so years of hot active sex with these older people these young people enter the work force in many different groups, such as the Police force, secretaries for various law firms and outfits, or Police Stations, Fire Stations and so forth, many become lawyers, politicians, join clubs, and when the going gets tough for someone in the Pedophile Rings they can bond together to get the Pedophile set free and the charges dropped, or make an innocent person the scape goat and the innocent person is publicly persecuted by Flying Monkeys or even goes to prison for what he or she did not do.
Because the young people were carefully groomed into the pleasures of sex they become strong supporters of pedophile behaviour and see themselves and the adults that seduced them as ‘victims of a society that does not understand them and their ways’, so they use their positions as adults to help protect their abusers (Stockholm Syndrome) from getting caught, going to jail.
One of the ways that the seduction is done is that they use the high positions of the previous victims and possibly still sexual lovers to inspire the seduced children to see them as successful, and that shows the seduced young that they too can be pedophiles and enjoy the life of a Manager, Sports Star, Movie or TV Star, School Teacher and so on.
If someone were to come along and accuse the Sports Star or whatever of being a sick pedophile the others would all gather in support along with the Flying Monkeys and claim foul play and they would then set forth in mass to victimize the person who was trying to expose the pedophiles and their activities.
There is more that they do, but this article shows you how they get away with their activities, and why children go missing every year, and how the law and judicial, political and general public can support, protect and keep the pedophile and criminal rings running.
All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
10th of February, 2022.
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