Did you ever fall in love? Do you ever feel the need to be with someone?

Did you ever fall in love?
Do you ever feel the need to be with someone?
Is there a vacuum in your heart that you know someone can fill?
Have you seen the only person who fits in your heart?
Does your heart beat faster when you see that person?
Do you physically and spiritually long to be with that person?
Do you feel incomplete without that person?
Have you ever known true love?
Fill your heart and soul with the person that you long for, the person who sets your heart to flutter.
Reach out, do something about it. Filling your heart with the love it needs is like drinking cool refreshing water after a long run in the hot sun. We are not complete until we have known true love and learned how to share our life with one person unselfishly.
Those who give up life and love for a career, money and fame become the many dry lifeless dead leaves in the vast forest of society on a windy Autumn day – they will be lost forever in the mist of time.
While those who know unselfish love will be living bliss on earth with their best friend, their husband or wife, and then onto eternity. It can only get better.
All the best from James M Sandbrook.

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