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From the SPC web site:
‘There are many types of academic dishonesty – some are obvious, while some are less obvious.
Disruptive Behaviour; and last, but certainly not least, PLAGIARISM.’
There are many people who are dishonest and while I support forgiving people I also feel it is wise to back off from people who have proven that they are dishonest (meaning that you have caught them being dishonest to you or others) because once they have proven how much or how less they value your relationship with you it is a character flaw within their soul and constantly forgiving them will just allow them to constantly be dishonest with you.
While we may have to deal with a dishonest person (such as at work) we should keep the at a distance in our life, especially in our private life.
A flaw in tradition and family/tribal acceptance is that when a relations is dishonest they are immediacy forgiven and that sends that person a clear signal that they can be dishonest with you forever. If you stand up against the dishonest person sometimes the tribe/family group will come down on you and demand that you leave that person alone because blood is thicker than water etc.
But in doing so you are submitting to foolishness, allowing someone to treat you disrespectfully and teaching your own children to accept this dishonest person and other dishonest family and public into their lives.
It is important that we don’t give people who are dishonest any power of influence or control in our own lives.
because of this flaw in their character they will try to take advantage of us because they see it as being a normal act, something they do to get ahead in life at your expense. Wisdom tells us that they cannot help themselves and being dishonest is a flaw in their character that they see no wrong in using.
Honesty is a Need in Your Life.
You need honest people around you to help you feel safe and secure.
Feeling safe and secure is a lot about trusting those around you and that means a peaceful feeling of comfort knowing that your friends and the family you accept in your life are good, responsible, honest and True.
Once you become an adult you can choose your own “Spiritual Family”, as they say,
Your Own Tribe, your special people of like minded thinking, views, lifestyle.
Grade people by their honesty and remove those from your life who don’t make the grade because you value good honest people around you.
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