There are many people who I have known over the years that have no idea what I am about. You see, people can be in each other’s space, regular visitors to their home, party together, and even date or are married and they don’t know one another.
I remember as a teenager trying to explain feelings, thoughts, ideas etc at school, at home, to friends etc, and being completely misunderstood. As an adult this happened many times.
A person once said to me about my marriage, “You both have been with each other around 14 years, but neither of you know each other.” At the time I was confused by this statement, but as time went by I found it to be very true.
I talked to my wife more and more, and the more she opened up the more that I discovered how much that I didn’t know her or about her, and I discovered that she had different thoughts about what she believed that I believed in. At this stage our home life was very depressing, sad and sometimes like a war zone. Our conflicts were often complete different views of love, life, parenting etc. She wanted to do things her way and I wanted to do them my way, we were not compromising well.
I always thought that one day she would see sense and do things my way, but she also thought the same about me. We were like fire and water, two completely different souls struggling to stay together to keep others happy, and be together for the children.
The reality is that we should never have been together in the first place. These haphazard relationships come from a society that refuses to believe in spiritual heart felt connections, instead general society thinks of scientific chemical and sexual physical connections because that is what we are falsely educated to believe in.
So society hopes with “luck” everything will stay together and marriages will last, and that chemical sexual lust will hold two together etc.
But look around at the suicides, divorces, depression, mental illness, the evidence very clear, but few want to admit it. A materialistic society that has few good standards and promotes weaknesses because of money gain, is a society with little love in it.
All through my life I have wanted to explain my feelings, worries, fears, struggles, my desires, plans, imagination etc and it has only been over the last 6 years on Facebook that I have really been able to do this.
We are born into families who have no idea we are, what we dream of, what we like and dislike etc. We may try to tell them, but they have their own collective plans, their own ideas, and they prefer it if we don’t rock the boat and have different ideas.
Society is the same. Rock the boat and someone gets very upset, or we get abused, put down, shamed. They can attack our public character – people fight change. This is because they are on a completely different spiritual learning level, if they are learning at all. Some people are just existing to satisfy self and nothing much else.
You can talk to these people until the end of time trying to make a breakthrough, but they are conditioned by society to ignore, defy, condemn, laugh and prove that you are wrong, they will not learn. As soon as we are open to that fact we can move on and a whole new life opens up before us. A life that comes from our own beliefs, dreams and desires, all that the opposers refused to believe in.
Some family, and in some cases all the family, become dedicated to one family members failure. They’re refuse to see that person in any other way than a failure, and the best that they want for that person is to be like them.
They refuse to listen to that person, they refuse that person’s advice, they feel mentally more in control of their own lives and refuse to lower their own pride to believe in the beliefs of that family member.
Being misunderstood today is far easier than being understood, especially by people who know us.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
Saturday, 30 April 2016, 10:37:06 AM.
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