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There are those that say keep hands at 10 to 2, some say 9 to 3, but I prefer them both.
Studies claim that 10 to 2 is dangerous:
The clock is where we get the steering wheel positions from, 10 to 2 is seen in the image below.
Please Don’t:
Always look ahead of you as long as the vehicle is moving forward because that is where you are going and that could be were danger could be or an obstacle can appear very quickly in your path.
In front of you is where you are going in your car, truck, bicycle, or motorcycle, and that is where your attention should be so that you are ready for any surprises that come your way.
Always keep a wide view of the road in front of the car, taking in all ahead of you “all across the road”.
Be aware of changes since the last time you drove down that street like Road Works, or a school bus parked outside of a school, or children playing with a ball in a field or backyard. Use your eyes to scan around and check as you drive.
This is a very good reason why your attention should be on the road and not on your mates. Once we get into the car in the drivers seat we are taking responsibility for all passengers safety, so our attention should be on the road and not our passengers so much. If they do talk to you please avoid the natural instinct to look their way, the only thing that should be important for you should be in front of you.
If your cell phone notifies you of a text message then pull the car over to the side of the road and look at your phone and reply. If you are certain that you are going to have a Text Conversation then stay on the side of the road until the Text Conversation is over. You can look for a driveway to park in if you are on the highway.
Before you get into the drivers seat and once you are at your destination and out of the car you can return to the same mode as your friends are in, but behind the wheel of the car your responsibility is people in and out of the car, the car, others on the road and yourself. Prepare to be prepared, because on the road in a split-second anything can happen.
Please be very careful around school and other places where young children are. Make it a habit to slow down passing a school, child care place or anywhere where children are, and then scan both sides of the road as you carefully cruise past. Most children have very little road sense, and that means that they can do dangerous and random things, like running out on the road between cars.
Driving is very exciting, especially when you first start driving, and it can be easy to assume that those moves they do on the race track, on movies, in books, are easy, but many a young overconfident young adult has died with their friends in car crashed that could easily be avoided.
When the road is wet it pays to be careful about accelerating.
What the driver can do is once the car is straight on the road then accelerate to a safe speed. If the road is wet and the driver accelerates halfway around the corner the car can spin-out and an accident could be the result.
Driving to the road conditions is the safe and wise thing to do.
If it is rainy, bad weather, slow down, drive carefully, but also be aware of others sharing the road and don’t hinder their driving by going too slow. People tend to speed up in wet road conditions like in storms and when it is rainy, so please be aware of this and stick to the safest conditions for the road at the time that you are driving.
Your driving experience can be very enjoyable if you understand the road rules, the weather conditions and use common sense.
When driving in foggy conditions at night we should not just high beam as this causes tiredness and blindness from the glare of the light on the foggy mist ahead.
Driving is a serious business. The driver needs to be responsible and mature. The main thing to remember is that you are steering a heavy object forwards at speed and if your veh should make contact with something, someone or go off the road then people are going to get hurt, and there is a possibility that someone will die.
Being responsible is not boring, it is what saves lives and let’s people know that you are someone who they can rely on because they know that you are a safe and responsible driver.
When we care for our passengers we use common sense because we don’t want to hurt them, or be the one to cause them to die when it could have been avoided.
Relax your arms, shoulders when driving. If you are too tense it will cause you to become stressed and tired.
When you get into the car adjust the seat forward or backwards to comfortably suit your needs, and also adjust the back of the seat for comfort. Some people get a sore back from not adjusting the seats correctly. It’s different for everyone, so find what suits you best.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
13th of March, 2021.
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