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Any form of movement is exercise.
I like cycling, gardening, working around the home, martial arts, carpentry etc.
All involving various forms of exercise.
When you find what exercise you enjoy, the exercise will cease to be hard work and will become your enjoyment. Please don’t be caught up in the myth that muscle mass is fitness, its not. Bulk muscle may look good to some, but it is no indication of ability, real strength or fitness.
When wiping something up on the kitchen floor or scrubbing the floor because something was spilled on the floor and the like, please don’t use the same cloth or scrubbing brush/scrubber, that you use for the dishes and for plates. I have witnessed people doing this and they have not yet realized that people walk on the floor and they have been outside or in other places and the floor is not a clean place, thats why we wash it often. Keep all the cleaning gear for the dishwashing and sink separate from whats used for cleaning/scrubbing the floor and rooms to avoid transferring germs.
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