Helping People grow!

Wood for making a Staff for fighting and using as a walking stick etc, like Moses and the Prophets had.

I had some pine dowel rods the size or a bit wider than a broom stick size. I used one for a while to test it against some oak.

Oak is a high quality hardwood.

In New Zealand Pine, also known as Radiata Pine, is a medium density softwood so it should be expected that it will not hold up anywhere as good as a hardwood like Oak wood.

The image above shows us a Pine Wood Staff and a Oak Staff (Red Oak). Both had been left outside from time to time and suffered int he weather but the pine snapped easily as the softwood jsut could not handle the power and strain put upon it in general staff training.

The Oak Staff is still doing fine and handling the tough situations I am putting it through with training.

My advice is for you to only use a hardwood staff, but in an emergency any staff will do but just be aware of its limitations if it is a softwood or the likes of pine.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
2nd of April 2022.