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Over the last 20 years when walking I have often had lots of heel and sole pains, sometimes like I m walking on hot coals. I did make an enquiry about it at our local hospital and was basically told to deal with it and get on with life.
A few years ago I read about Plantar Fasciitis and also about the foot going flat if a person was always wearing flat shoes as I do, and I read that there were all sorts of exercises and saw videos on it as well.
I have found for myself that wearing inserts such as Scholls with an arch in them helps even though it can be painful. I guess that I have always had what they call Flat Feet, because when I wear shoes with a pronounced arch it can be very painful, so I always wear flat-sole shoes, or shoes with a very small arch in them.
I read that many years of wearing flat soled shoes causes the foot to flatten and stretch in the sole causing an unnatural shape and a lot of pain.
What helped was wearing show inserts with an arch in them that I wear from time to time, but not all the time, and they help my feet – otherwise I wear flat soled inserts for comfort when walking or working.
I hope you can deal with your sore feet, I know the pain and you have my sympathy. I hope this pages helps in some way.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
24th of March. 2021.
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