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Some years back I discovered that the soles of my feet were in a lot of pain, an unusual amount.
At that stage I was on Welfare with children and had to walk 5 kilometres to town to get groceries, and because they had stopped the deliveries at the supermarkets I had to walk home. Taxi’s cost $15 one way, so it would have been $30 lost each time I did the groceries, so to save money I had to walk.
Carrying the groceries for such a distance meant that my normally sore feet would hurt a lot more, and they did. The hardness of cheap shoes and hard ground caused me to look for comfortable inserts for my shoes.
I tried the cheap brands and they would either only last a few weeks or were of no real help at all.
Then I found the Scholl products. They were more expensive, but they really helped my feet, and they last a lot longer. I have probably been using these in my shoes for about 10-15 years.
They are good quality and there are various versions of the show/boot inserts to help you.
I tend to go for the men’s Sports insert and use it in my boots and shoes. The result is comfort and a lot less pain, therefore my job and my general life is much more comfortable and I am encouraged to go for walks instead of hesitating knowing that it is going to be a sad painful experience.
These are also very helpful for people who have knee, ankle and back injuries that cause pain when they walk. The Scholl inserts take some of the impact on concrete and hard surfaces making your walking time much more enjoyable and you take less painkillers. Personally I avoid walking on concrete if I can and instead walk on grass which is much softer than concrete and there is much less impact on all the joints with each step.
I do recommend these shoe and boot inserts, but like me you may need to try a few out to find the one’s that you like the most and which give you the best comfort. As they say, life is much nicer if you take good care of your feet 🙂
The inserts arrive in a large size and you need to cut the insert down to the shoe size of your shoes.
Follow the instructions, its not difficult. Look at the bottom of the insert and you will see where the toes position is (See the photo below) are lines to guide you where to cut for different shoe sizes.
An idea is to remove the insert that is already in your shoes if your shoes are a tight fit around your foot, because adding the Scholl Shoe Insert will really make it tight for your foot as they are larger. I always take them out to make room for the Scholl inserts.
Recently I tried a brand called TRENZ and their inserts are very good as well.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
11th of March, 2021.
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