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I called this page Stick Fighting, but really it includes any form of defence or attack with some sort of stick. Staff and Bo could also be included.
Originally I was not interested in using weapons as I preferred Empty Hand Combat, but as time went by I found that there was more to do with weapons and that you extended your knowledge and fitness branching out to various weapons on defence and attack.
As with contact “sports” Street Fighting is something different, no rules, and attacks can come from any direction. With that in mind we need to be capable of taking on people who attack us and deal with them fast and efficiently.
The video below is exciting and great entertainment to watch, but in a real life situation you want to take out your opponent as fast as you can.
As with any weapon treat the weapon as an extension of yourself, like it is a part of you, and the work, effort and use of the weapon will become natural and you won’t need to think to strike or block, you will just do it.
I like to sometimes store sticks at places where i work and walk around on patrol using the sticks practicing blocks and strikes and new moves or something that i recently saw or read about and try them out.
I aways remember that a good decent workout removes tension, and gets a lot of dark energy out of us as we push ourselves and try new things excited and happy to be putting ourselves through repetitions and practice.
An important point with sticks is that they can be thought of as knife or sword moves as well.
You will find that if you change the stick for a sword that the moves you learned over the years are actually planned sword moves and in that case far more lethal which will take out the opponent faster, more efficiently, but also possibly permanently – this we want to avoid.
Whenever you practice in public never show off or show your full capabilities, because it is good to keep future opponents guessing, or over confident, as overconfidence and pride make it far easier to beat your opponent.
You will find, as I have, that the likes of Kali and other martial arts can easily be worked together as one martial art when you are practicing.
For example, you may strike with the stick to the body and stun the opponent and then move in with a front kick, or kick to the thigh and work on the opponents legs, kidneys, ribs and so on.
Sticks can be expertly used to put the opponent off with a sharp strike, and while their mind and body is trying to deal with the sudden strike and its corresponding intense pain you can do something else with the head, body, arms and legs to disable the opponent enough to win.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
3rd of November, 2021.
Learn to use both hands. Whatever you can do with your right hand you should also be able to do with your left hand. In this example I am using a stick I broke off a branch, to show you how effective a normal stick can be in self defence.
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