There is a tree on one of the sites we patrol on our security run that had the most amazing huge juicy plums. It was situated at the back and right next to an apple tree. Someone cut down the apple tree and the plum tree bears no fruit anymore which is very sad.
I was talking to one of the staff recently and she said that it was fine if i took a cutting from this plum tree.
I have a few plum tree’s but they are small plums, tiny compared with the plum tree that bears no fruit anymore, so I was only too happy to get a cutting.
What I found out though was that the simplest idea was to take a “cutting” from the newer branches and use that to start a new plum tree at my house.
I have a neighbour, Louise, who I hope does not read these pages 😉 who has a plum tree leaning over my back section, so I took a cutting (this is legal in New Zealand if the branches hang over your fence) and have prepared it for growth.
Now I have cuttings from both tree’s.
Plum Tree
Image 5
Image 6
First we should take off the leaves and then with a kbife take a slice out of the bottom as is shown in Image 5, then do the dsame on the other side, as is shown in Image 6.
Image 6, you can trim/slice all around the bottom as some suggest.
Image 7
Be aware of natural hazards such as cats sleeping on the greenhouse roof 🙂 as is shown in Image 7.
Image 8
I decided to do some experimenting. I have two cuttings growing outside in a pot, and t6 in the Greenhouse.
Three are thick and not so new cuttings while the thinner cuttings are newer. I even left some leaves at the top of one cutting.
I will water these each day and see how they turn out.
All the best from James M Sandbrook. 16th of November, 2021.