The Small Garden Gift

I was talking to one of the young females at the checkout at the New World Supermarket about the flowers I had just brought from the Supermarket. I got some marigolds and some other smaller flowers.

I was telling this young woman (I think she is High School age) that the flowers provided a person an instant garden. I was trying to give her an idea for a garden of her own that was easy to maintain and always would have blooming flowers in it. I love encouraging people to take up gardening.
When I left the Supermarket I thought that I should have mentioned to her about the Small Garden Gift.

I got into the habit as a young adult of giving people plants instead of flowers that would die in a few days after being received. The idea was that the gift would last longer, even years if the person received a plant.

Going past David Broman’s house on my way home (he is a neighbour in our street on the lower corner) I was always admiring the flowers in the two small gardens in his front yard. I remember seeing his father from time to time doing the gardening and putting in wonderful flowers. I noted that there never were seedlings in the garden, only grown flowers and it occurred to me that he was getting the plants from flowers, plant gardening places, that sell plants that are nearly or are fully grown. Much the same as the Marigold flowers in the New World Supermarket.

It was then that I realized that a person can give a garden as a gift to someone else by using these mostly grown flowers and plants.

An example is, that if someone is in hospital and in recovery. You can go to their house and find a part of the garden that is neglected and dig it up and plant a nice patch of beautiful flowers and plants and then when the person comes out of hospital you can present the garden to them as a gift.

If you have a grandparent and you want to surprise them with a gift you can give them a small garden the same way.
The idea is to give them a fully grown garden where there was nothing or a neglected garden.

If the garden is for the elderly or someone who does not have a green thumb, you can use the Small Garden Gift as an excuse to visit them once a week, to water and weed in the garden while talking to the person who received your blessing, the Small garden Gift.

Some ideas from Decor Home Ideas

The Small Garden Gift can range from 30 cm to 30 cm (12 inches by 12 inches), to a longer rectangle garden. It all depends on how many flowers you buy, whether you get compost to help the garden and so on.
If the whole front of the house has a neglected garden then while the person is away you could get enough plants to fill that front garden, after you have dug, weeded and mixed in compost.

If you can get help from a family member or someone else who cares for this person as well, that can help, and speed up the work.

If the receiver of your Small Garden Gift was once an avid gardener and is a pensioner now and can’t garden much anymore you can find out his or her favourite flowers and plants and put them in for them as a gift, this would be greatly appreciated. If they are in hospital you can take a photo of the garden and show them so that they will have a reason to be grateful to come home.

Another idea is to plant in seedlings of someone’s favourite vegetables, or even fruit tree’s of their favorite fruit. Its all about imagination, caring, wanting to give the other person some pleasure in life and feel wanted, loved, and important enough for you to go all out of your way to bless them.

By the way guys have been known to do this for their girlfriends.
They can put in a heart-shaped garden, big (with permission from the house owner) or small, with beautiful bloomed flowers in the heart, and some around the edges.

The only limit is your imagination

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.