Parenting & Children Notes.

Guidance and Growing Up Healthy Mentally

If person grows up without the help and guidance from a parent and especially two parents (a male and female) who care and love this child then he or she has a great chance of not getting the guidance necessary to form a good solid future as an adult.
This child’s decisions will be based on a weak upbringing where either one parent or no parents could guide the child as tow parents could.

The situation could be greatly worse if the child is sent off to a school somewhere far away from home and grow up without a solid parental influence.
Of course we know of stories about children who have grown up in boarding school type situations and have had a good mentor or helper of some sort who have given the child good sound advice and lots of friendly help.

All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
Saturday, ‎6 ‎January ‎2007, ‏‎8:20:38 PM.