I rang a man called Steven up about a Kitchen for sale. I knew that I didn’t have enough money but I prayed about it and there was this strong desire to ring him,. so I did. Steven was a Christian and he started to tell me about Christ and I said that I already was a Christian so he asked if we would go around the house and see it in Hermiston Place, Tokoroa. So I agreed and took Jimmy and Grace along with me.

We ended up getting the Kitchen and Steven said that we could pay it off. I figured that it would be hard but our Kitchen was old.

We put one of the kitchen cabinets int he trailer pictured above and some of it collapsed and Steven said that he felt guilty charging me over $6-00 for the kitchen so he offered it all to me for $20. I was shocked, and was hesitant, but he persuaded me and we shook hand sand that was it,. We got the entire Kitchen units for $20. This was in 10/2008.

I then offered myself and the children’s help pulling apart the house and fixing it up.  Richard the carpenter and Steven readily agreed and the house became the children’s Home Schooling for a few weeks. Richard was very patient with the children explaining what needed doing and how to sue the tools that he thought were safe enough for them to use. It was a great experience for us all. Grace took most of the photos.

James M Sandbrook - 2008
Steven and Jimmy
Jimmy Sandbrook
Richard on Tractor
Jimmy Sandbrook
Me and Jimmy with Richard taking a break.
We pulled wall boards off and found this wallpaper under it.