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You may find that you need to write a school or Home Schooling report for your child/children.
I did this for my ex-
The Education Review Office were very good to us and helped us along when needed.
Below is an example I wrote one term for my daughter Grace:
Grace Sandbrook
School Report –
General Information
Grace Indiana Sandbrook is 10 years old during School Term 1 of the year 2005.
Grace is seen by all her teachers as a person of high ideals.
She has strong views about right and wrong and good and bad. Her beliefs are in harmony with the truths of the Holy Bible.
Grace is a very enthusiastic child. She is at an age where she can create friendships within moments. She is popular amongst other children. All her social activities show that she is having fun mixing with other children.
Grace is an appreciative student who has manners and is polite when the moment calls for this behaviour. Grace is sensitive to other peoples needs while also being careful to help others and mingle with others in a happy positive manner. Grace is great with children, especially children younger than herself.
A strong desire to succeed is noticed in Grace when she feels that she wants to achieve something. This was obvious with her success in sport during this term. We hope to see better sporting results from Grace as the year progresses. Grace grasps new ideas with speed and understands instructions fairly well.
Graces music teacher said that she and her sister Rachel both had natural rhythm. Recently when I spoke to Mrs Patsy Hill she spoke enthusiastically of Graces musical ability. Graces results in sports show that she is an all-
Arts and Crafts.
Grace shows a great interest in Arts and Crafts. Like her sisters and brother Grace has a genuine like for the arts and loves attempting to try all the arts.
We study all the different forms of art that people have used to express themselves on paper, metal, wood, canvas and other materials. We encourage Grace to express herself through the different mediums, such as paints, crayons, coloring pencils, and collages. She will be taught to notice the different textures and effects produced through different means. She will be taught different techniques for style and ease of drawing, and how to identify different forms of artwork.
Recently Grace finished an art course from international artist Don Simpson. Don Simpson has his art published by Fiasco Comics. The course was called “Cartooning Concepts and Methods Part 1: Figure Drawing Basics” –
Grace learnt first how to draw a basic stick figure and then expand on that. She was shown how to use the spine of the stick figure to show the body movement of the character. She was then shown the importance of the shoulders and hips in relation to the movement of the spine, all of which show the movements of the stick figure which by this time is growing from a stick figure to a more complete drawn human figure. Grace was shown how to show the figure ‘in motion’. Grace was learning how a stick figure could have some sort of “character” or at least look like it had some character. And learn how a drawn figure can “express itself in motion” showing body movement such as throwing a ball. Finally more life-
Next Grace will do a course called “Learn How To Draw Animals” by Cristiano Nogueira and published by Advanced Learning Systems Publishing. These lessons will guide Grace as she attempt to draw many different animals from many different countries.
Rachel Sandbrook and James Sandbrook are Graces art teachers. Rachel is known for her art work and her remarkable ability to try and be good at all the arts that she attempts.
I (James M Sandbrook) am Graces Crafts teacher but sometimes I double up a art teacher as well. Grace has many tools at her disposal for her to use when attempting some craft. Grace is only allowed to use tools which are safe for her to use at her age. What tools are safe is determined by James M Sandbrook. All safety equipment is used at all times while Grace is told why safety equipment is used and what its advantage is safety wise.
Now that Grace is older and has a reasonable understanding of math on a broad scale we have decided to concentrate on some subjects such as Sets which will give Grace a good understanding of sets, why they are used, what are the symbols used etc. So this School Term we studied Sets in detail. Grace also continued with her studies with the Maths Matters books. I wrote a small course to give Grace the basics of Sets. This course was based on professional school material which was written to help teachers teach math to students. Grace now has a good understanding of:
Grace also has a good understanding of the diagrams used and how to draw her own set diagrams.
Grace also studied this School Term many other math subjects such as the Times Tables, shapes etc. Below is an example of the depth that we went into this tern with our study of Math Sets.
Grace has had previous study with sets but this time I wanted to cover more information and more importantly I wanted to teach Grace about Math Sets from a broad range of materials. My goal was to teach Grace about Math Sets from many different angles which will all lead to Grace having a much greater understanding of Math Sets, why we use them and how they can help Grace during her life and in real life situations. Using material from many different sources, I believe, gives the student a much greater chance of learning the subject material and retaining that information for future use. This method also keeps the student from losing concentration and interest as he or she could if the material is written by one author using the same approach throughout the written work. I believe that different approaches give more life to the learning process and help inspire the student to go forth and learn more without having to be pushed, just guided. Different authors also give different information that the other authors for some reason or another leave out. I wrote additional lessons and explanations to help fill in any gaps that may need teaching.
My approach was to use many resources from many different sources to teach Grace Math Sets. I have many Mathematics books which our family have brought over the years, all of which will help in this mission in some way or another. The Math Matters books are a constant resource material. I have the teachers book for New First Year Mathematics by F. Adamson & D. W. Turner, Mathematics For Form Five, It’s A Mathematical World Book 3, other books and written material and access to the Internet and a good printer to print out lessons and reports if and as they are needed. I also have the math supplements and other material that I received from the many courses that I have sat during my life. All of these, combined with a knowledge of the subject and a good imagination, will give us a good course which will teach Grace about Math Sets.
Grace did very well during this study. She learnt about Math Sets symbols, what is a set, braces, relations between sets, the set-
Graces math in general is very good. She has a good mental grasp of the work required of her to complete.
She has an enquiring mind and uses it well to discover the answers to the questions put before her. Grace is a dedicated hard working student.
Music Studies
Grace goes to weekly half hour piano lessons which are provided by a professional, piano teacher, Mrs Patsy Hill, a registered member of the New Zealand School of Modern Music.. Grace approaches her music lessons with much enthusiasm. She is a willing student and has learnt many of the general basics of music which will help her grow into an accomplished music student in the future. Grace is being taught to play to and read music sheets. And is also learning to play Bass and Treble parts with the appropriate hand on the keyboard.
Grace is coming along well with these studies. She can read basic music notes while also writing some tunes that she has created with her own mind. Grace is currently using the Piano Course Book 1 from the N.Z Modern School Of Music. The principal who wrote this book, A. R. Gardiner puts it this way: ‘I have attempted to teach note reading and time-
Grace also studies guitar and organ music at home for her own personal pleasure. We have many music books available to help Grace and the Internet is useful in this area as well.
Grace has use of the Piano teachers piano while doing her lessons.
On the advice and suggestion of Grace and Rachel’s music teacher we purchased, an electronic organ. Grace has full this organ, the Lowrey Carnival with Magic Genie chords. This is a Stand-
Science & Technology
Term 1 has Grace learning about many scientific and technical items to help keep her excited about these subjects with a will do learn more. She is a willing student who is willing to learn more. She has a desire to try any new subject that is put before her.
Grace is good at using tools of all types and has an interest in trying new tools. Like all children her age she has a great interest in technology and the mystery of science coupled with a liking for experimentation.
One example this term was Grace learning about Parachutes.
She read some history about parachutes learning that Leonardo da Vinci sketched in a notebook in the year 1595 and other similar information. She learnt about J. P. Blanchard, a Frenchman. And that in 1785 he dropped a dog in a basket to which a parachute was attached, then he tried this stunt himself with success. Much more was learnt about the history of parachuting.
Grace also learnt of the theory of parachuting and why the parachute is supposed to slow down a persons descent to earth from high up in the sky.
Grace also watched a movie (Video) of a family friend who did a real parachute jump. Grace got to see the people put on their parachutes on the ground then enter the plane in preparation for the jump which was to come when they had reached the desired height, a height that was safe for the jumpers and suited the type of parachutes that were used for this particular jump. He told Grace and the rest of the family of the experience and explained the feeling of taking part in such an exciting adventure.
Grace then made her own parachute using material and when it was thrown up high in the air it then opened (because it was previously folded up) and the parachute and its small cargo floated gracefully down to the ground.
The example above gives a good demonstration of all the steps taken for Grace to get a good knowledge of the subject under discussion. First she learnt the history of parachuting. Next she learnt about the theory of parachuting. Next she saw a video of a real parachute jump which showed the entire journey from the ground then from the plane back to the ground on the parachute. She then had the advantage of asking the person who jumped questions about the event. Next she got to make a miniature parachute which actually worked.
Grace enjoys science and shows that she has an inquiring mind. Grace also shows that she is willing to learn and attempt to try experiments which will prove a theory. Grace shows a ability to use and understand the tiools that she has to use in science and technological experiments.
Grace is taking part in the Touch Typing Now interactive typing course from NikaSoft.
Social Commitments
Church activities and Sunday School.
Athletics Club.
Normal activities that families do such as go to local parks, family walks, visiting friends etc.
Weekends with her mother and the places that she takes her to.
Grace enjoys many social activities with her friends throughout the year. Grace has many different friends from many different lifestyles and cultures. Grace shows no dislike toward any person because of his or her culture or family circumstance. In fact Grace is very sympathetic of peoples positions in life.
This has been an exciting year for Grace. Many things have come her way, and while she may have been a bit doubtful about her abilities in some areas she stepped forward and attempted many things. If Term 1 is an example of Graces triumphs and fun sporting-
Grace has discovered this year that she can achieve many sporting goals and all she needs to do is dedicate herself to the effort. I have no doubt that with her academic skills blended with her sporting achievements and the grace of her musical abilities that Grace is a well rounded child who can grow to be a useful person in society. Grace is proving to herself and to others around her that she is an all-
With this School Report you will find a copy of Graces “Tokoroa Junior Track Club” award for her participation in the clubs events. This is a professionally run sports club which operates in the sports grounds at Strathmore Park here in Tokoroa. Strathmore Park has the equipment as well as track and sporting areas set aside for many individual events. They have the club rooms as well.
You will find a copy of Graces “Tokoroa Junior Track Club” award for the Club Championship for 2005.
This was awarded to Grace in the clubroom’s in front of the other members, coaches and parents on prize giving day.
Grace was in Grade 10 and she had these placing’s for Term 1 of this year (2005):
The club would get together during the week after school hours. Grace would go on Tuesdays and take part in training and events in the afternoon. The club also had ribbon-
Grace clearly enjoys the sports that she took part in. Her results show her success in the club and the individual events that she took part in.
Grace also takes part in sports at home. She does sports with her sisters and brother and occasionally she participates in Karate with her family. The family home has a large back yard which is good for running on and easily has enough room for running laps around the section or supplying enough room for “sprints” and other similar sporting events.
Some exercising equipment is also available to Grace to help her improve her health and fitness.
Written by James Martin Sandbrook.
Wairakei Place,
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