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Right up to the 20th Century parents taught their children:
Parents would send the child off to work for the:
Life Education was the need of the day, because people needed Life Skills to survive and a lot of the human beings time was spent working, or “doing things”, and much of that work would have been so needed and natural to do that people willingly did it because of the results
Learning directly from the baker was the way to get first hand knowledge of the work, experience, and under the guidance of the baker trial and error learning which built confidence and the courage and faith in themselves to open their own bakery in another village or there in their own village someday in the future as an adult.
In these modern times we have electricity and much of the work is done automatically and the desire according to government and society is to learn technology and other skills, but there is not real desire for survival skills because we have welfare to fall back on if things get really bad.
This also explains why we have obesity and young adults struggling to cope and a large growth in mental illness.
We were not born for machines to work for us, we were born to do the work ourselves, and as tedious as some work is, it was very important in the past that it was done just the same, and people gained a good feeling knowing that they were:
Society of old was designed to help bring forth confidence, courage, responsibility, self confidence, self respect, etc.
These were the results of the upbringing of children in such times.
Parenting was taken very seriously and designed to bring out the very best in the child while creating a thinker, an individual.
Fathers and Mothers took the time to ensure that their own children and even other people’s children were well prepared for the future what ever it will bring.
Commercialism pushes for parents to buy, buy, buy, toys for children, but what many don’t consider is that the less toys a child has that were brought from a store then the more likely the child will make their own toys, make up games and use his or her imaginations to entertain themselves, and also they are more likely to join in with whatever the parents are doing, such as Dad in the garage and mother in the house.
The goal should be to inspire our young to wanting to think and be in control of what they are doing and in control of their own lives, instead of being entertained by gimmicks, TV, movies, game machines and store bought toys.
If the child goes to school, has wonderful grades, but has emotional swings, anger issues, relationship problems, then the child is lacking in Life Schooling from parents and gained only is School Schooling from other people. A parents work is not a success if the parents has A-
Think of Education/Life Learning as walking down a tunnel seeing pictures on the walls and listening to different people as you walk along the tunnel and stopping every now and then to do something. The Tunnel/Path becomes the content that forms your Belief System and your soul.
If an authority, that claims that it is a greater authority than you and that you must listen to it creates that tunnel that your children will walk through for about 15 years then your children will come to fully believe in what that tunnel/path showed and taught them, it became their Adult Belief System.
Education should be to bring out the very best in the child, to bring out the child’s talents, abilities, wonder, excitement, and form courage, self confidence, and to show how to cope in marriage, as their own gender, as a worthy member of the local community.