
Your failures and mistakes are not you, they are things that you have done or things that have happened to you and that you may blame yourself for. If you have a problem, addiction, sickness, issues, you never brought it on yourself because somewhere, somehow in the past someone else or some other event made you troubled, sad, confused, lost, addicted and worried.
“You Were Not Born To Crawl Through Life!”
Not Now, Not Ever were you designed to crawl to any addiction, stress, worry or person. You were made to be courageous – a wonderful creation, part of all that beauty and love all around you. You are not a “problem” But you are a Child of God!
You were not born to watch other people tell of their great fun and conquests while you sit and think that you don’t deserve the best that life has to offer. Each and every one of us is a creation of great wonder, spiritually and physically. Humankind put boundaries on this planet, not God. Humankind put a price on everything on this planet, not God. You inherited this world the day that you were born. You inherited the right to courage, love, good people, animals and so much more. You inherited this planet and all on it (except the right to rule over other lives) for free. All the lands, all the food etc are everybody’s – humans put a price on everything.
You have a great destiny. Inside you is courage, it is a spark – set it on fire for your own sake – let courage grow inside you and take action, don’t be afraid.
Inside you is strength and the power to live your own life. If you have a problem don’t let other people put you down or label you or run your life for you because you feel weak over this issue that you have. Any problem you have can dealt with in some positive way. All addictions can be cured.
Hang on to Hope! Hang on tight, and then start pulling yourself up. Stand on your own two feet and find your own answers. Pulling on that rope of Hope is doing something for yourself. Something that you need to do for yourself. Regardless of what other people tell you, no matter whether they are family or friends, educated or non-educated – they
have their own lives. Hang on to your own heart-felt feelings. Believe in goodness, love and God. Pull yourself up and be strong in Hope. When you feel that talk of failure in your head, lift your chin and focus on the best way to help yourself climb up from this. “You” bring your life hope.
Put hope in your heart. Hope is dreams that have not come but have every possibility of coming to being. Anything can happen in the future, anything. Hope with God. Be with good people. Keep away from negatives like drugs, lust, alcohol, and negative people. Happiness is in your mind and can be fully achieved. But it must be achieved with a clear mind that wants peace and harmony – then you will find your dreams. And you must know and believe that you are worthy of them.
Sometimes there are big moments in life that are a mountain that needs climbing. The only way out is to climb it and to climb it with a genuine intention to change something. You have to really want to achieve something for change to take place. You sometimes may have to go up against what others think, the world is full of the lost giving their opinions – leave them be. This is about you. All of us at some time have a mountain to climb, and climb it we must. So put on those climbing boots and get walking because life is an action game, and to live it and love it you have to be an action figure.
I pray no matter who you are or where you are that your loving Father is there with you walking beside you. God believes in you and I know that I do. This is a message to a lonely heart, a lost heart, a heart that needs lifting and to learn how to put a shine back into a sad and lost soul.
Lots of love from James M Sandbrook
December 21, 2011.

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Hope structures your life in anticipation of the future and influences how you feel in the present.

Similar to optimism, hope creates a positive mood about an expectation, a goal, or a future situation.
Such mental time travel influences your state of mind and alters your behaviour in the present.
The positive feelings you experience as you look ahead, imagining hopefully what might happen, what you will attain, or who you are going to be, can alter how you currently view yourself.
Along with hope comes your prediction that you will be happy, and this can have behavioral consequences.

Having hope is to imagine a positive outcome.
The directive of many motivational principles is to visualize what you want and imagine positive outcomes so that your behaviour is unconsciously structured to create them.

The way in which a hopeful person handles disappointment differs from those who are not.
Even if the present is unpleasant, the thought of a positive future can be stress-buffering and can reduce the impact of negative events or disappointment.
Being unrelentingly optimistic about the future helps you to recognize that you are adaptable and capable, enabling you to reassure yourself that you will get through a tough time.
Having a powerful hope that you will adapt also provides a limitlessly positive version of the future.
Those who are hopeful and optimistic can make excuses for negative outcomes, while the pessimist may become resentful or negatively preoccupied.

– Mary C Lamia Ph.D.

What is the real meaning of hope?

Hope is an optimistic state of mind that is based on an expectation of positive outcomes with respect to events and circumstances in one’s life or the world at large. As a verb, its definitions include: “expect with confidence” and “to cherish a desire with anticipation.” – Wiki.

Research shows (hope) it’s a crucial element of our physical and mental well-being.

People who have a higher level of hope have healthier habits:
They sleep and exercise more, eat more healthy foods and practice safer sex.
They also have fewer colds, less hypertension and diabetes, are more likely to survive cancer and have less depression.

Hope is the belief that the future will be better than the present and that you have some power to make it so.
It differs from optimism, which is the belief that things will work out no matter what you do

When people lose hope, it’s because they are focusing on obstacles.

You can do this at home. Focus on something that excites you.

“It reminds you what hope feels like,” says Shane J. Lopez, a psychologist and senior scientist at Gallup and author of a 2013 book, “Making Hope Happen.”
He also recommends doing what you do best—it will give you a boost in confidence and mood.
It is also important to spend time with the most hopeful people you know. “Hope is contagious,” Dr. Lopez says.

– Elizabeth Bernstein.