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The idea is to reuse Spray Bottles, the plastic kind. Buy one for its intended use, and then clean it out and put in some other liquid to spray surfaces in the home to make the house clean and kill germs.
Dettol is a common house cleaning fluid in the world (Known as Sagrotan in Germany).
I buy the large bottle (not spray bottle) and pour a small amount, a few centimeters, into the empty spray bottle and then add plain tap water.
Then I spray this one surfaces and wipe the sprayed area with a rag/cloth.
Mix Hydrogen Peroxide 3% with water, equal parts, such as 50% water and 50% Hydrogen Peroxide 3% into a spray bottle.
Leave the spray on the surface for a few minutes, then wipe away with a cloth.
Basic Cleaner for a spray bottle:
Add 3 parts water and 1 part distilled vinegar.
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