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One day I had a plastic hook for holding clothes and bags to put on a wall and I had glue that took about 4 hours to set strong. I needed strong glue because I wanted to hang jackets and not use screws and the like as they would not look as tidy as the glue idea.
I had everything set up but did not intend on holding the hook on the wall for 4 hours.
Pretend that Image 1 is the back of the hook that had to go on the wall.
What I did was apply 4 small blobs of fast setting Super Glue (Image 2)and then the main glue as seen in Image 3.
Then I put the back of the hook on the wall where it was required, and the Super Glue set in a short time and held the project to the wall until the slow setting and stronger glue hardened.
I offer this to you as a tip that you can use with other projects where slow setting glue is needed and super glue can hold the project together until the slow setting glue hardens with full strength.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
5th of April, 2021.
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