Old Electrical Lead-Plug not Fitting new Lead (cord)-Plug due to the shape of the Plug?
Image 1
Recently I purchased a new Electrical lead from the local Warehouse Store and discovered that the plugs shape makes it impossible to fit into the socket of the Electrical Power Lead. As you can see in Image 1 the Electrical Lead Socket is Round, but the Plug from the Vacuum Cleaner is not round.
Image 2
Image 2 shows the plug and socket together. The problem is that the pins of the plug don’t reach far enough into the socket to make a connection and also the plugs fall apart when let go. What you will need to fix this problem and get a good safe fit is a felt tipped pen, pencil, even a pen, and a very sharp knife, like the Stanley Knife shown in Image 2.
Image 3
Hold the Plug and Socket together. Make sure that the pins line up. And mark the place where the old Plug juts out as is shown in Image 3. Now cut along each line with the sharp knife and cut that piece away completely as is shewn in the Right Photo. Trim until the plug fits firmly.
Image 4
Image 4 shows the Plug seated firmly into the Socket. There is another way to deal with this and that is to remove the old style plug and put on a new modern plug that will fit the new Electrical Lead Socket.
All the best from James Martin Sandbrook. 28th of December, 2021.