How to Write for Everyone.

The main idea to write should be to express yourself to the wider world, but honestly if you can reach one person and that person is the better for your efforts then you have truly done a wonderful meaningful thing.

By James Martin Sandbrook

In a world where “cool” makes people feel comfortable and liked by acting out whatever the coolest mannerisms and talk we may make ourselves unpopular amongst the many.

Something I learned years ago was that if I wanted to help many then I needed to be someone who was able to reach the many.
people are also not likely to read anything by someone who they fear, hate, dislike and so on. If your were sadly abused in a Character Assassination then many won’t read what you have to write, but just keep on going.
My view is always that if I can help one person then the article was worth writing.

People as a whole are not impressed by what they don’t like.
Many people refuse to read insulting, abusive, written material and also they will read a few lines, see some bad language and not read any more.

The idea of the article is to reach people.
If the idea to reach out for a person is to make money or to be popular then he or she will focus on their own crowd, opinions, and their own views, and of course this will put many people off their form of self expression such as writing.

I am put off with any form of racial comment that is nasty, or any form of nastiness, bad language, and so on.

Many religious people want to be popular in their own religion and pridefully they assume that they are the chosen group to read the good word so they write nasty stuff about other religions and of course they instantly make the other religious people and they also make atheists angry, but to their group/denomination etc they are seen as heroes.

The preferred route would be to show kindness, care, compassion and understanding of all people of all religions because in doing so at least they will consider reading what you write – by insulting anyone you get their back up and they will refuse to like you or read what you write, so what’s the point!

The goal is to write something that will be read by others. Many write to become popular and that makes them feel needed – so please don’t write according to your emotional feelings about yourself, like if you feel unwanted the desire to write to be popular is string.

Instead write on a subject that is important to you and you know that it will be important to other people as well. For instance if you are a female in High School and you dislike the way that the other females act and talk, write an article in the school magazine about good female behaviour or just good behaviour and its benefits.

It is probably wise to try to not target anyone, and instead of targeting an audience, think in your mind that “anyone and everyone” is welcome to read your written words. In this way you are writing for everyone and that will come out in your work.

Please see that being offensive, arrogant, prideful, pointing-the-finger and so on will put people off and they will not read your work again. Even if they need to read something that you write in the future they won’t because they judge the message by the messenger.

And please do enjoy what you write. Take advice off other people, but please don’t change if it means taking away your personal approach, because you are writing about what is important to you, and about how you feel about it, and your desire to help others and reach the many.

And always remember, you are important too!

A professional writer is an amateur who didn’t quit.” – Richard Bach.

As they say, everyone, yes even you, has a book inside them waiting to be published. And we all have articles within us to share.

The secret is to do it your way.

Another point is to express your heartfelt feelings.
My personal writing journey was about me coming out of anxiety and depression and wanting to write how my heart felt, about the heartaches, tears, and what I had experienced, but having come from the family I came from this sort of behaviour for a male was frowned upon.

But I felt very sad at the time, around the end of 2009 and when I went on to Facebook no one had a clue who I was. But so deep was my desire to help others I wrote what came to mind, and often I wrote in tears, with sadness and fears,and the result wa more and more people signing me up on Facebook, hundreds, then thousands, and then the followers came.

It was then, that I realized that if a person reached out in a loving caring genuine way that many would respond positively because they too had been hurt, wanted, love, wanted inner-peace – we were in a sense, all on the same but different journey on the same planet in different countries.

This is why I suggest to preachers, people, writers to use their hearts when writing and teaching, because they will be the better for it all and so with the readers.

And what you share from deep within can save lives. Even if you never hear about it, there is always that possibility.

All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
25th of May, 2021.