I met a woman in town recently who does busking, and she said that her family were not supportive.
So she got a guitar, learned how to play, the family didn’t encourage her. But she started busking in town and her family took notice when she came home with money. So they watched her play in the streets and were shocked at how good she is at singing and guitar playing.
She is a good example of refusing to listen to family and friends and doing life her own way, and shining through surrounded by people who encourage her. Once that happened her family and friends had to shut up and take notice.
Every person is wonderful and has talents. We need that courage though, the courage to say, “I don’t care what they say or think, I am going to have a go, to try, and give it my best shot.”
Only when we give life our best shot are we able to feel good about life, and feel good that we have confidence and courage. When we face our anxiety with stubborn courage and refusal to accept what others say, that we find those stunning awesome all important things about our own self. It is here that we develop and grow.
If you have a heart felt dream, then please go for it. Because if you don’t then you will always feel empty, lost without the dream, unconfident in your lack of courage, saddened always by bad choices, and regret that you didn’t go do it when you could.
So many people admire those that go against the flow, few seem to choose to do it themselves.
Don’t be one of those who always wonder, “What if?”
Be one of those who smiles and says, “I did it!” and are reaping the rewards of their courageous efforts.
All the best from
James M Sandbrook.
Saturday, 26 March 2016, 11:55:05 AM.