When a man and woman come together in marriage they both are committed to the relationship.
Both see something wonderful in their life-partner, something that attracts them to each other.
Both have imperfections but they are overlooked in the willingness to see only the joy of being together to share each others life.
She has a mole on her neck that he may not like later on.
He has a birthmark on his leg that she will later see as an imperfection.
Neither “appears” is good enough to fill the shoes of the Hollywood star and starlets, neither is as physically sculptured as a mega-sports-star.
Neither can fill in the “dreams” of the other. She may have 1 or 2 phobias/fears.
He may have tempter problems that don’t come to the surface until the honeymoon is over.
When two people fall in love they often lift the other person above true expectations
and put them on a mental pedestal which they can never live up to and this puts a big strain on any relationship,
especially if the other person will come to see so-called-imperfections as problems.
These so-called imperfections are what helps make each one of us different in nature
and any problems that one person carries into the marriage can be sorted out with the love and total commitment “for better or worse” of the other partner.
Marriage is about sticking it out.
If the wife has some issues that need sorting out then her husband (and I have read about men and woman who have done this and I certainly would
– my future wife has my total commitment, sympathy, love and help) would find the means to support her by being there for her and her problems
and help her becomes stronger and be there for her always when she needed him. In this he shows his total commitment for her, his true real love, even when the chips are down and a struggle is there.
What can kill a marriage is when the partner gives up, or both give up on each other.
A marriage can be strengthened with true sympathy and compassion.
Would she be grateful knowing that the man she loves will stand by her even if she has some issues no matter how serious,
she certainly would, and he would feel useful and want to be there at her side no matter what the problems are.
Steadfast and sure, true and loving.
Marriage is about both partners standing side by side once the commitment of love is made.
Total trust, care and feeding the garden of marriage.
Like in the garden the weeds need clearing so that the true blooms can be shown.
We want the bliss, but can we deal with the struggles. This should be thought of before marriage at all times.
Marriage is like the world.
Problems rise everywhere and we immediately try to figure out how to sort them out – marriage should be the same.
And commitment to do the best for all involved is very important.
Both partners must feel when making the true commitment of marriage that they are going to be fully supported by their partner if they bring struggles into the marriage and while they are married.
Marriage is about two people join together in holy matrimony to form a family.
The size of that family is left to God to determine.
The parents, as husband and wife can have a truly wonderful life together.
They can hold in the centre of their hearts the true essence of the family.
They are the strength, the power, the energy and the good that makes the family what it should be.
For all people who are single this is something to look forward to.
This is one of the main events of life that we were born to be a part of.
For me it is s great pleasure to write on this treasured subject, it is the deeper sense of life,
the jewel that shines every time we see a man and wife holding hands walking down the street smiling and looking at each others faces and showing pleasure a the sight of the one that they are with.
Sometimes with children skipping along around them.
Good marriages are not faked wistful dreams.
They really happen and all over the world.
They are to be read about in so many books in history.
If you read the gossip columns you will find great news of marriage, children born and divorce.
You have the choice to go for the gold or sit it out in the slums.
You want the real thing then you have to believe in it, and wait on God.
When you are sure that God has led you to the right person, you should not let that chance go by.
Happy and blissful relationships to you all.
God Bless you and I truly wish with all my heart with that you will find the love that I wrote of here.
James Martin Sandbrook.