
I wrote an article a ways back about “love making” and what is really is. I got this from what I have read, observation and what people have told me, and what I would imagine true love to be.

This is the gist of it.

Love making between lovers is an all day event. It is from the first morning kiss in bed, the first warm hug naked in bed, the first smile.
Getting up, getting ready for the day and doing little things for each other. A glance, a smile, a knowing look, a secret joke, a touch (even for a second or two), massaging the others tired shoulders, a race for the shower, all is love making.

Breakfast together and sharing thoughts about the upcoming day, touching hands at the dinner table, a smile at the thought of being home alone together later in the day, or tonight if there are children. Thinking of alone time and ending the day with a touch of heaven and the simple pleasures of love.

A phone call during the day to see how the other is, a text or two, lunch together, a small present, all are forms of lovemaking.

At home at last. A hug, dinner needs preparing, one has work to catch up on, both make the time to share chores and laugh and joke through it all. Both knowing that these things must be done, and that rocking through it all with each other is like heaven on earth, and it gets done much faster.

I read a story written by a woman who bought many oils for massaging. her husband worked as a mechanic or something where he got sweaty, dirty and was often home tired. And she said that she would prepare the oils, heat them or whatever needed doing, and then she would lie him on the bed and apply the oils to his back, arms shoulders etc and massage them into his skin, soothing his tired aching muscles etc. He would return the favour etc.

Love making is in the giving to someone who you love so much that it hurts to see that person suffer in your own soul, so you do what you can for that person and if they return the favour you have found something very very special that few today really know or understand. There are many unbalanced relationships out there where one is taking and the other is giving. This is the result of materialism where we are told constantly to goal set “for ourself”, to do things for ourselves, career and money are important and give us happiness and other things that are not true.

Love is an action word, and love cannot be shared with words alone. Anyone can say, “I love you and not mean it at all, but when you see a person go out of his or her way for you and keep doing it over and over again then you know that what is driving this person is someone who cares about you and wants to see you happy, and that it makes this person so deeply happy to see you happy. The only way to treat this loving soul is exactly how this person is showing you love.

Love making is about all the little things, the efforts, the touches through the day, hugs, close moments, close proximity, jokes, private jokes that only you two share, looking into each others eyes at dinner and feeling very turned on. The love making throughout the day comes to a climax when the two finally gratefully and joyfully slip under the blankets and share love that only these two know, a love of giving, satisfying that will put them to sleep in each others arms wanting to be no other place on earth.

All the best from James Martin Sandbrook.

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by James M Sandbrook


I wrote an article a ways back about “love making” and what is really is. I got this from what I have read, observation and what people have told me, and what I would imagine true love to be.

This is the gist of it.

Love making between lovers is an all day event. It is from the first morning kiss in bed, the first warm hug naked in bed, the first smile.
Getting up, getting ready for the day and doing little things for each other. A glance, a smile, a knowing look, a secret joke, a touch (even for a second or two), massaging the others tired shoulders, a race for the shower, all is love making.

Breakfast together and sharing thoughts about the upcoming day, touching hands at the dinner table, a smile at the thought of being home alone together later in the day, or tonight if there are children. Thinking of alone time and ending the day with a touch of heaven and the simple pleasures of love.

A phone call during the day to see how the other is, a text or two, lunch together, a small present, all are forms of lovemaking.

At home at last. A hug, dinner needs preparing, one has work to catch up on, both make the time to share chores and laugh and joke through it all. Both knowing that these things must be done, and that rocking through it all with each other is like heaven on earth, and it gets done much faster.

I read a story written by a woman who bought many oils for massaging.
Her husband worked as a mechanic or something where he got sweaty, dirty and was often home tired. And she said that she would prepare the oils, heat them or whatever needed doing, and then she would lie him on the bed and apply the oils to his back, arms shoulders etc and massage them into his skin, soothing his tired
aching muscles etc. He would return the favour etc.

Love making is in the giving to someone who you love so much that it hurts to see that person suffer in your own soul, so you do what you can for that person and if they return the favour you have found something very very special that few today really know or understand. There are many unbalanced relationships out there where one is taking and the other is giving. This is the result of materialism
where we are told constantly to goal set “for ourself”, to do things for ourselves, career and money are important and give us happiness and other things that are not true.

Love is an action word, and love cannot be shared with words alone. Anyone can say, “I love you and not mean it at all, but when you see a person go out of his or her way for you and keep doing it over and over again then you know that what is driving this person is someone who cares about you and wants to see you happy, and that it makes this person so deeply happy to see you happy. The only
way to treat this loving soul is exactly how this person is showing you love.

Love making is about all the little things, the efforts, the touches through the day, hugs, close moments, close proximity, jokes, private jokes that only you two share, looking into each others eyes at dinner and feeling very turned on. The love making throughout the day comes to a climax when the two finally gratefully and joyfully slip under the blankets and share love that only these two know, a love of
giving, satisfying that will put them to sleep in each others arms wanting to be no other place on earth.


All the best from
James Martin Sandbrook.
‎Thursday, ‎9 ‎February ‎2017, ‏‎1:21:35 PM.